Five Years of Streaming: I Pray You’re Blessed by It
You know, this is the five year anniversary of The Stream. It is an indication of a river that’s flowing from the throne of God. We read about it in Revelation. And as I was praying so fervently for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, the Lord really spoke very clearly to me. He said, “That river from My throne, from My heart, is already flowing right now.” But it’s fed by tributaries — divinely gifted, called out, and those who are receiving the wisdom from above. They are flowing truth, transforming truth, insight, wisdom, as tributaries into what amounts to a river flowing to all the fields that will receive it — however fertile they are, however challenged they are. And the result of receiving the benefit of the river, the blessing, is fruitfulness.
Those tributaries Paul described in one sense of the word because he talked about Cephas, and he talked about Apollos, and he talked about himself. And he said stop dividing over these — one will plant, another will water. In other words, we’re all contributing as a part of that river. And then, in Ephesians chapter 4, he talked about God setting in the church certain divinely gifted people, anointed by God, gifted by God — apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers. For what reason? For the focus to be on them? No. To build up the body of Christ into the fullness of his stature.
The Church is Not a Political Party or a Sectarian Group
In other words, the body of Christ, which is the Church — it’s not tribes, groups, denominations, sects, and it’s certainly not a political party. The Church of Jesus Christ will never be an arm or an appendage of a political party. Never. Nor will they step back and fail to affect everything on God’s earth. Heaven and Earth is to declare His glory. And the gates of hell — deception, dissension, division, distraction, destruction, and death — are never to prevail over the influence of the body of Christ — the Church. Not a sectarian group — not Protestant, Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal. We may have those tribal labels, or camps, but they must never divide the body. Because there’s one body, baptized into a relationship with Christ. And through that Church, His Church, He says the gates of hell will not prevail.
The enemy, as Isaiah said, will no longer say, “you lay down,” the tormenters, “so we walk over you like a road.” Jesus said you can walk over the serpent and the scorpions like dust under your feet. If salt has its effect, the sacred will no longer be trampled under the feet of men. If the light really shines, and is no longer covered with comfort or compromise, but we become lights that reveal the glory of the light of the world — we become the shining city, set on the hill, that cannot be hidden. And Jesus, Jesus is the Christ, is lifted up by His body so that the living Jesus draws people to himself. Not to religion, not to a tribe, a camp or a religious lodge. Not to a political organization. But to the relationship with the Father, like Jesus has.
And, by the way, in John 17, he said that — and he said in other places — the Father loves you as much as He loves Me. If the Church would only realize that. And if we would quit wrangling over words, to the ruin of the hearers — as Paul warned Timothy, when they were facing the kind of pressure we are today. The enemy uses words. God uses His word. And it’s a standard, a radiant beacon, that leads us into the fullness of the fruitfulness, the blessing, and the witness, and the testimony that God wants flowing freely through His Church like a river.
Streaming Wisdom
So The Stream is here, the answer to 5 years of prayer by the most highly visible church leaders in America — coming together for 5 years, many of them right here where I’m sitting now. Those who touch and move millions, who do not wish to point to themselves but to Christ, they came and prayed, “God, work a miracle, in answer to the prayers of your people, to heal our very sick land.” The healing process has begun.
The Stream is here as an answer, after five years of prayer. Now, five years The Stream’s here. You say, “James, what’s it here for?”
To simply share with you some of those tributaries — gifted by God, anointed by God, chosen by God — who have committed themselves to know of Him. They are speaking His word with their pen. Sometimes you’ll hear them, like I’m talking. But primarily, with all their diversity and their distinctives. Don’t try to play them in some camp because that’s their heritage or background. They are members of the body of Christ, just like those of you who know Him are. And when we fit together uniquely; love and appreciate one another; submit to the One head, which is Jesus; receive the wisdom that flows freely through every gifted, yielded vessel, channel; some people you never even heard of. You see some of them here on The Stream, because they have wisdom.
The Stream is a place for those who want the wisdom that comes from above — through these diverse, uniquely designed, gifted individuals — to flow freely, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Thank you for praying for The Stream.
Why don’t you pray that God will always give us the clearest possible word that we can share here. And pray that the eyes and ears of the Church will be opened and the ears tuned to hear what the Father, and His Word, is saying clearly to us if we will just cease allowing ourselves to be dull of hearing and dim the vision. Pray that they’ll come here and at least consider. There will not be one person contributing that is the stream or the river. They’re simply feeding in to the stream, to the river that flows from the heart and mind of God.
I pray you’re blessed by it. I pray in many ways you’re transformed by it. Encourage others to visit The Stream everyday. And pray for His wisdom, the Father’s, to flow freely through The Stream. Thanks for your prayers.
James Robison is The Stream’s founder and publisher. He is co-founder of LIFE Outreach International and co-host of LIFE Today. He’s the author of many books, including Indivisible (with Jay Richards) and Living Amazed.