Evil on the Attack
ISIS is an evil predator, viciously threatening and taking many innocent lives, both through physical violence and by seducing the spiritually vulnerable into fold. How should followers of Almighty God respond?
Our Father in Heaven cares deeply for His family and offers security and protection from the deadly assault of enemies. Jesus, the great shepherd, did not rest with ninety-nine sheep in the safety of the fold but diligently sought that one lost, vulnerable sheep. It is the will of Almighty God for every pastor, priest and church member to diligently protect vulnerable people from the destroyer of life. Call for prayer in behalf of those threatened, and ask God for wisdom to build walls of protection and destroy evil’s deadly intent.
God’s Word is clear in Romans 13. We are to pray for our leaders. They are given authority to punish the wicked while protecting the innocent. The Scriptures reveal that this authority must use “the sword” to stop evil attacks on guiltless people. In such cases, force, even if deadly, is justified.
Every American should be deeply concerned when our nation’s leader seem unable to recognize, identify or call this enemy by its name. How could a medical doctor effectively deal with any destructive disease he cannot or refuses to properly identify? We who love freedom desperately need the immediate intervention and wisdom of Divine Providence, along with a willingness to be guided by reason and the evidence of history as to what does and doesn’t work when confronted with an expanding and virulent tyranny. If we do not clearly recognize and effectively deal with this very real threat, we will soon witness an all-out assault right here in the “land of the free.”
The good news is that we still possess brave men and women who stand ready to fight if they just have a commander-in-chief who could and would effectively lead.
The Stream has been launched to inform you and inspire you to pray for appropriate action in behalf of freedom. Sadly, the prince of the power of the air and, in too many instances, also the power of the air waves, has drowned out wisdom’s voice, ignored it, or misrepresented it. That must change, and it’s up to believers and shepherds who refuse to be hirelings, to proclaim truth, life and liberty throughout the land.