Evangelist Alveda King: A Black History Plea for Justice and Unity

Dear America, we are over halfway through Black History Month 2022. I am writing today with a plea for prayers of love, unity, righteousness, justice, and law and order; first in our nation, and then around the world.
In light of controversial current events such as trucker protests, critical race theory debates, China challenges, and political jockeying over crack pipes, I believe it’s time to pause and take a prayer.
Thankfully, in spite of controversial news reports, natural and man made disasters, and all types of mayhem, there is quite a bit of positive attention being given to the subject of black history this year. Perhaps Ambassador Ken Blackwell has said it best: “Black history is American history.”
My uncle Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. also gave great insight to the issue of race and skin color many years ago. His dream of God power and human power are closely aligned with the American dream today.
“I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream — one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, ‘We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.” — MLK
Over at the America First Policy Institute, we are acknowledging Black History Month with op-eds and vignettes of African-American contributions past and present. Please visit America First Policy Institute Social Media for more.
Also, earlier this month, I recorded a home video sharing some thoughts about black history for your viewing pleasure:
My prayer today is that my uncle’s quote: “We must learn to live together as brothers [and sisters], or perish together as fools” will become a reality in the days ahead.
Finally, even as we continue to correct the past injustices to our African American communities while building upon our rich heritage; ethnically speaking; skin color or not, we are one blood/one human race, from the womb to the tomb; seeking justice and human dignity for all; regardless of our multitude of socio-economic conditions.
Pray for America.
May God bless you in the days ahead.
Dr. Alveda C. King is from Atlanta, Georgia, and serves as the Chair of the Center for the American Dream at AFPI. She is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A.D. King and the niece of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King is the founder of Speak for Life, fighting for the sanctity and dignity of all life – from the womb to the tomb. She currently serves as a FoxNews contributor and host of the FoxNation show “Alveda King’s House.” Dr. King is a former college professor, served in the Georgia State House of Representatives, is a former presidential appointee, and 2021 recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.
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