Evangelicals Speak Out Against Trump

By The Stream Published on February 29, 2016

Christians who rarely speak about politics are breaking their silence for what they see as a necessary and important reason: to stand against Donald Trump, the current GOP frontrunner.

Today The Christian Post published an editorial encouraging evangelicals to “back away from Donald Trump.” “The Christian Post has not taken a position on a political candidate before today,” the editorial explained. “We are making an exception because Trump is exceptionally bad and claims to speak for and represent the interests of evangelicals.”

The editors of The Christian Post said that they were compelled by their moral responsibility as “the most popular evangelical news website in the United States and the world .. to make clear that Donald Trump does not represent the interests of evangelicals and would be a dangerous leader for our country.”

They cite Trump’s claim to be a Christian while never asking God for forgiveness; the lack of any fruits of the spirit; Trump’s misogyny and philandering; His treatment of women and minorities; and Trump’s reluctance to disavow David Duke and the KKK.

“Trump claims he will ‘protect Christians.’ We already have a Protector, and He is not Trump,” the editorial declares.

The Christian Post notes that “Trump is promising many things that he cannot possibly deliver, but the most frightening part is Trump’s stated willingness to ignore the authority of the Supreme Court, Congress and the U.S. Constitution if he were to become president.”

Like The Stream, The Christian Post calls for repentance and a time of renewal in our country. “This is a critical time in American history and we call on all Christians to pray for personal repentance, divine forgiveness and spiritual awakening for our nation. It is not the time for Donald Trump.”

Last week author Max Lucado spoke out for the first time in 30 years in order to stand against Trump, saying that Trump is “not a decent guy” and noting that the anger Trump had tapped into was both real and a cause for true alarm.

“The stock explanation for his success is this: he has tapped into the anger of the American people,” Lucado wrote. “As one man said, ‘We are voting with our middle finger.’ Sounds more like a comment for a gang-fight than a presidential election. Anger-fueled reactions have caused trouble ever since Cain was angry at Abel.”

Trump does have the support of some evangelicals: Jerry Falwell, Jr. endorsed Trump in January, saying that Trump is “a successful executive and entrepreneur, a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again.”

Additionally, Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress has not endorsed Trump, but he has spoken about Trump’s “appeal to evangelicals.”

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