Elizabeth Warren Says She’s Not Running for Prez in 2020

The progressive senator also says she won't take a DNA test to prove her assertion she is part Native American.

By Published on March 11, 2018

Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Sunday she is not going to run for president in 2020 but notably did not say whether she plans on serving out a full six-year Senate term if she is re-elected in November.

Warren appeared on NBC’s Meet The Press with Chuck Todd Sunday to discuss President Donald Trump’s upcoming meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un, her recent bouts with members of her own party, and the possibility of a 2020 bid for the presidency.

“If you win re-election this year, are you going to pledge to serve a full six-year term?” Todd asked Warren on Sunday. 

“I am not running for president of the United States. I am running for the United States Senate 2018, Massachusetts,” Warren said.

Warren is not running for president right now but dodged answering the question directly when pressed repeatedly if she would serve a full term. The Massachusetts senator is widely expected to run for the Democratic nominee for president in 2020 and is one of the party’s biggest fundraisers this election cycle.

The senator did offer some vision for the Democratic Party going into 2020. It is of the utmost importance to secure protections for the roughly 800,000 young illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children, known as DREAMers, Warren said. She also is urging her colleagues to fight against the 2010 Dodd Frank banking regulations’ likely rollback.

“But let me actually make — underline a point on this. We can’t just be a party that says, ‘we’re paying attention about what happens every four years.’ I know there’s a lot of anxiety, particularly on the Democratic side, about how we are going to deal with Donald Trump in 2020,” Warren said. 

“Right now, this week, the United States Senate is talking about a bill that will roll back protections. We’ve got the dreamers; we’ve got the tax bill that’s gone through. We’re still fighting to provide health care for everyone. We have now — we should be having a gun debate on the floor of the United States Senate. It‘s not only about the election in 2018, where I think we do need to be laser focused. But it’s about the fights every single day.”

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Warren said she will continue to fight for the people of Massachusetts, and her focus will remain on pushing their agenda in Congress.

“I‘m in those fights. That’s where I’m focused,” she added. 

The senator also dodged questions Sunday regarding Trump’s nickname for her: Pocahontas.

“Look, this is what I was trying to tell you,” Warren responded to CNN’s Jim Acosta Sunday regarding the nickname. “It’s about my family’s story because my family’s story is deeply apart of me and apart of my brothers. It’s what we learned from our parents. It’s what we learned from our grandparents; it’s what we learned from our aunts and our uncles.”

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