#Election2020: Trump Barnstorms as Biden Baffles and Scares

It’s Halloween. A day of frights and chills.
So let me start by scaring the heebie-jeebies out of you.
Joe Biden: "I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize [unintelligible]!" pic.twitter.com/cggH79eZB1
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 30, 2020
That man may soon have his finger on the nuclear button. Stephen King could not craft a more terrifying thought.
Yes, one can chuckle at the latest sign of Joe Biden’s obvious mental deterioration. #Trunalimunumaprzure. In fact, hats off to the genius who whipped this up within hours:
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious.
[ 🔈 🔈] pic.twitter.com/2GEyfr9y3h— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) October 30, 2020
But in three days, Americans will be deciding whether to make Joe Biden commander-in-chief. And that is no laughing matter. It is more Mary Shelley than Mary Poppins.
What do the leaders of China, Russia and Iran think when they see that Biden clip? Someone to fear? No. Someone that they’ll be able to stomp on like Godzilla.
Heck, what are our soldiers to think when ordered into harm’s way, when they know the order came down from a man a few ships short of a battle group?
Play that clip again. Or the one where he forgets who he’s running against. Or the one where he forgets he’s running for president. Then tell me how Joe Biden is fit to be president. Tell me how you will feel safe with him in control. You can’t. You’d need a mask to do so with a straight face.
Kamala Harris: The Next President of the United States
Then again, maybe you already think Kamala Harris will be the next president. That Joe’s not even making it to inauguration day. That certainly seems to be the thinking.
Once again, someone slipped and spilled the beans. At an event Saturday in Texas, Kamala Harris was announced as “the next president of the United States.”
🚨ALERT🚨 Kamala Harris Is Introduced As The Next President of The USApic.twitter.com/b85wyYWzcr
— Conquistador (@loudclown) October 30, 2020
Joe’s obviously down with it. A few weeks ago, he talked about the “Harris-Biden” ticket. Just the other day, he referred to himself as “Kamala Harris’ running mate. Y’all think I’m kidding. I’m not.”
It’s no joke. It’s terrifying.
The Bidens Under Investigation by the FBI
Journalist James Rosen reported and it is now confirmed that “Hunter Biden and associates” have been under FBI investigation since 2019. Tony Bobulinksi, the former Biden family partner who came forward last week to confirm Joe’s hands-on involvement in Biden Family business, says he was interviewed for five hours by the FBI this month as a “material witness.”
Somehow the news media hasn’t noticed that the Democratic nominee for President has been implicated in a criminal investigation involving accusations of money laundering and more. (This is the same media that reported a friend of Jared Kushner’s was charged with stalking.)
In fact, NBC is doing something even more appalling than ignoring the story. NBC News is waving around a document it says is a fraudulent Hunter conspiracy document. They are using this bogus document as a way of saying, “See? All the stories about the Bidens are made up!”
Yet, none of the legitimate journalists covering the Biden story, be it the New York Post, Kimberly Strassel of The Wall Street Journal, or Fox News, or Sinclair, or Peter Schweizer, or Sen. Ron Johnson have any idea about NBC’s bogus document. It is not part of their reporting and investigating. They’re reporting on the legitimate, verified documents from Hunter Biden’s laptop, and emails, texts, statements directly from partners involved in the Biden family dealings. And in the case of Sen. Johnson, an extensive Senate investigation.
NBC is deliberately peddling disinformation. Creating a distraction in a grotesque effort to distract from the real evidence against the Bidens. Keep in mind, sister network MSNBC has on its payroll former CIA director and Russia hoax pusher/creator John Brennan. Brennan has been leading the charge claiming — without a drop of evidence — the whole Hunter Biden story is a Russian concoction. What’s another little black op by the IC community against the American people?
This Halloween, Tim Russert is rolling around in his grave.
Here’s another Halloween fright for you. The media blackout on the true evidence of the Biden family corruption, the complete ignoring of the devastating testimony of Tony Bobulinski, the reality that Joe Biden and kin have been under FBI investigation for a year, the out-and-out censorship by Facebook and Twitter has had its effect.
Some 51% of Americans, according to one account, believe the allegations against the Bidens are “Russian disinformation.” (No wonder. Try a search on “Tony Bobulinski” on CNN’s website.)
That fact alone should leave loyal, freedom-loving Americans with chills up and down their spines. The propaganda and censorship worked. Uncle Sam has been dressed up as Joseph Stalin for Halloween.
Donald Trump is Dressed Up as The Energizer Bunny
As for President Donald Trump, he’s dressed up this Halloween as the Energizer Bunny. As rally-happy as he’s been since stomping out his case of COVID, Trump is setting a stunning pace these last few days before the election. Air Force One is making more stops than an ice cream truck.
President Trump, as of right now, has 14 rallies scheduled for the next three days. And you know he’ll try to squeeze more in. There’s even talk of some campaign stops Election Day.
We’re not talking about a politician giving a little stump speech and moving on. Or Biden talking to a few cars, barking at a few Trump supporters and returning to his basement. These are Trump rallies. This is a rock-n-roller, crisscrossing the eastern U.S. doing a pedal-to-the-metal set in 14 cities in three days.
Which gets to another of those intangibles that don’t show up in polls.
America Likes Those Who Beat the Odds
America is a sporting nation. We love our sports. We like winners. But more than that, we embrace the competitor, the fighter, the one who bucks the odds. We don’t make movies about the gorgeous studly quarterback who throws for five touchdowns a game. We make movies about Rudy. We dig the Apollo Creeds, but we love the Rocky’s.
Donald Trump has the bank account and bravado of an Apollo Creed, but he’s got the heart and hard head of Rocky.
He doesn’t stay down, he doesn’t stop.
This election, Donald Trump is in the ring against the Swamp, the Deep State, the Media, Hollywood, House Democrats, the intelligence community, the DNC, Bush Republicans, Big Tech. All powerful forces who have punched and pounded him for four years. Hitting him from behind, hitting below the belt. Now hitting him with everything they have.
And yet Donald Trump is out there barnstorming the nation, busting his butt, shaking his groove thing, just to again earn a thankless job where he doesn’t take a cent.
Yes, the decision may go against Trump … fair or foul. Speaker Nancy Pelosi made the creepy statement that “whatever the vote count is” — in other words, even if Trump has won — Joe Biden will be inaugurated as President.
But in the end, I believe the American people will rally to the president who refused to be bowed.
This Halloween weekend, America is choosing fearlessness over fear.
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream and co-author, with @JZmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl. And if you aren’t already, please follow The Stream at @Streamdotorg.