EasterNow: A Must-Have App for Holy Week

By Nancy Flory Published on April 6, 2020

Although it’s been around for a few years, EasterNow’s app isn’t really well known. It should be. The application brings life to the events of Holy Week — the week before Easter — by detailing what happened each day, providing scriptural backup and maps to highlight the area where the event took place. You can relive in real time the most amazing week in history. 

Several years ago, Gregory Love began sending messages to his students at Christ Chapel Bible Church in Fort Worth, Texas. He “walked” them through the events of Holy Week in an effort to connect the events to Old Testament prophecy. Over the years, more and more people were added to the list — but texting them all became unsustainable. So Love and his wife, Kimberlee Norris, created an app that provides users with an integrated map, scripture and deeper analysis of events of Holy Week.

Each day this week, users receive messages that tell the story of what happened on that day some 2,000 years ago. It also provides the full text of the scripture that tells the story and shows a map pinpointing where it happened. Today, for example, you see where, exactly, Jesus overturned the tables and drove out the vendors.

Anyone interested in tracking the events of Holy Week and following Jesus’s footsteps will love this app. Users can download EasterNow free on both Apple and android phones. 

NOTE: Coming this spring, The Stream App! Details to be announced soon.


Nancy Flory is an associate editor at The Stream. You can follow her @NancyFlory3, and follow The Stream @Streamdotorg.

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