You Don’t Need To Settle for ‘Born This Way’
“And having been set free from sin, you have become slaves of righteousness.” –Romans 6:18
There’s an awful lot of talk these days about inborn tendencies, especially in the sexual arena. Whereas once we judged the rightness or wrongness of something by the thing itself, today we’re judging right versus wrong actions by their origins. It’s as if we’re saying, “If you were born with a tendency, that justifies the tendency.”
Lady Gaga said as much a few years ago when she made a huge splash with a dance single extolling the virtues of self-love, self-congratulation and general self-celebration in her song “Born This Way” (lyrics here).
The lyrics proclaimed that whatever we are must be good simply because it is. And if it is, that must mean God intended it. So our birth endows us with certain attributes that must be acknowledged, embraced, trumpeted. To do less is to deny your true self.
There’s a lot wrong with that, though. Let’s talk some general principles first, and then I’m going to make it very personal with my own story.
“Inborn” Means “God-Ordained?”
Does “inborn” really mean God meant it that way? Let me state it mildly: there’s plenty of room for theological debate on that, in light of Scripture’s clear explanation of our fallen nature. David, for example, said:
“Behold I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” (Psalm 51:5)
Paul’s assessment of our inborn state is even bleaker, describing us in our natural state as “carnal, sold under sin,” (Romans 7:14) born dead by an inherited Adamic nature. (Romans 5:12) In fact, if “I was born this way” was a justification for sin, then Jesus never would have said, “You must be born again.” (John 3:7)
Born This Way
That’s the real issue here. Certain tendencies may or may not be inborn (the jury’s still out, for example, on whether or not sexual orientation is pre- or post-natal) but we can’t conclude “inborn” means “God ordained.” After all, studies have indicated that conditions like alcoholism, addiction, depression, or even violence may have genetic or biological roots. Yet no one’s whitewashing them just because they may be inborn.
Which raises the broader question of how we define our “true selves.” Plenty of folks these days decide to celebrate feelings they once resisted by claiming, “I could no longer deny who I am.”
But is “Who I Am” really determined by what I feel, or by the principles I live by that determine what I do with those feelings?
In my natural (read, “inborn”) state, I’m a professional jerk: selfish, indifferent, lazy. I can default to those Jerk tendencies at any given time. But who I really am is a Christian trying to follow Jesus. So when the Jerk tendencies emerge and I resist them, I am being true to myself by denying deeply ingrained desires for the sake of even more deeply ingrained principles. It’s a simple choice – Jerk or Jesus.
Re-Born This Way
That’s why I could agree with the “I was Born this Way” sentiment if it were only qualified with a brief “re,” as in, “I Was Re-Born this Way.” Natural birth passes on father Adam’s sinful attributes, while re-birth endows us with divine attributes to be acknowledged, embraced, even trumpeted.
In some ways – race and gender, for example – we can say Amen to the “God made me this way” line. But when it comes to feelings, sexual or otherwise, it’s downright scary to consider a scenario in which we collectively decide that whatever we feel must be inherently good and should be acted on.
Just ask the guy who I nearly ran over when he arrogantly jaywalked in front of me last Thursday. He’ll tell you he’s glad Joe Dallas doesn’t celebrate his natural inclinations.
New Creations in Christ
Thankfully, though, there are other inclinations placed in us by our rebirth, fruit of the new nature He gave us when we became His.
“If any one is in Christ he is a new creation,” Paul affirmed (2 Cor. 5:17) that the nature bestowed on His new creation cannot be satisfied with sin (Romans 6:1) and that it is, as Paul also said above, a literal slave to righteousness.
Sometimes an unwilling slave, I’ll admit. There are too many times in a given day when I’ll chafe at the yoke I’m under. But there is a Master to be served who, unlike an earthly one, has not only bought me but given me His nature as well. The fact there’s any struggle at all between my natural desires and my supernaturally bestowed hunger and thirst for righteousness is inarguable proof of His ownership and my re-born status. And as I think it over, that’s awfully good news.
Better This New Way
It’s good news because, much as I’ll hate saying no to myself today when I’m pulled towards lust, temper, sloth, or whatever, the fact I resist the pull underscores the divine, spiritual man created by God in contrast to the fallen man who was just born that way.
That’s my story in a nutshell. The beast got captured and beauty was placed in him when the gospel was manifest in a redeemed sinner, and as a result the slave to righteousness will make decisions today that would have been inexplicable to him forty years ago.
And when sin, a former master who after all these decades still wants his old servant back, says “Jump”, then the former slave who used to say “How high?” will just yawn, mutter “Oh, jump yourself,” and keep moving.
Can’t be helped. No matter what feelings or cravings I may have been born with, this business is under new management. I was born again this way. I have to be true to myself or, more to the point, my new self. To proclaim or do anything else would be to deny my true identity and birthright — re-born this way.