Don’t Let a Pit Become a Grave
In her bestselling book Get Out of that Pit, Beth Moore says, “You can fall into a pit, you can be thrown in a pit, or you can jump into the pit!”
Have your foolish choices or actions ever landed you in a deep pit? Mine certainly have — more than once. I thank God that I did recognize it as an awful, dreadful place to be.
The pit we dig for ourselves can become a grave. That is always the enemy’s intent — but never God’s will. It can often become a grave when the stone-throwers, mud-slingers and accusers bury you face down in it. They will line up, anxious and excited, ready to finish you off.
It can also become a grave if you turn away and bury your face in the dirt and fail to look up into the radiant, grace-filled face of the Savior. He is there, leaning down at the edge of the pit and waiting for you to allow Him to lift you up and pull you out of the filth, failure and self-condemnation.
Remember, even the unrepentant city of Jerusalem, known to reject God’s prophets, received a glorious invitation from Jesus as He wept over the city. With tears He encouraged the Jewish people to run to the shelter and shadow of the Almighty as chicks to the wings of their mother hen. Our wonderful Savior faithfully declares, “My grace is sufficient to cover all of your sin, and I will clothe you in my righteousness with peace on your feet and joy unspeakable overflowing in your liberated heart.”
He anxiously awaits. Will you turn to Him now and experience the power of transforming grace and truth?