Donald Trump is Literally Worse Than the Bubonic Plague!
Congratulations, Trump haters. You have accomplished what was long thought impossible. Like breaking the speed of light. Like making 2 +2 equal 5. Like making chocolate better for you than broccoli.
You have managed to out-hyperbole Donald J. Trump.
For Trump every deal is the worst deal ever. Each bit of economic news is the greatest economic advancement ever. Every new critic is horrible. Every new event is huuuuuge. An exaggerator? He won honorary membership in the Fishermen’s Hall of Fame. His every utterance is inflated like a teen’s praise for Taylor Swift’s latest. Hype is as much a part of his make up as that hair.
And yet … and yet. His critics make Trump sound as reserved and stoic as a Finnish night watchman. As a golf announcer on Xanax.
A Press Conference Gets Compared to 9/11? Pearl Harbor?
Take the reaction this week to Donald Trump’s press conference with Vladimir Putin. I don’t say the “summit” because nobody knows what really went on in the actual summit. I wrote about the initial hysteria, but things grew even worse.
Take Rep. Eric “I’m Not a Congressman But I Play One on Capital Hill” Swalwell of California. He called Trump “Prime Minister of Russia.”
Take Jill Wine-Banks … please. She went on MSNBC, and declared the press conference the equivalent of the Cuban Missile Crisis. History buffs will remember that the Missile Crisis left us one wrong move away from ending the entire planet.
But that wasn’t enough. Wine-Banks sent the hype into hyper-speed, comparing Trump’s Helsinki remarks β his words β to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.
It is nearly impossible to describe the grotesqueness of that declaration. On 9/11 we saw more than 3,000 people perish. They burned to death. Some leaped from buildings to escape the flames. Hundreds of heroes got pulverized into dust. A group of brave citizens nosedove a plane into the ground at hundreds of miles an hour to save the lives of others. Terrified staffers at the White House and Congress fled the streets of the Nation’s Capital, convinced the next plane was targeting them. Pentagon workers tried to reach colleagues as the latter burned alive. Survivors are still haunted by their screams. It ignited a war in Afghanistan that still claims American lives today.
Ask the families of U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Christopher Celiz and Cpl. Joseph Maciel, killed in action in recent days in Afghanistan. Ask them if burying their loved ones is like listening to Trump misspeak on the subject of how much he trusts the FBI and CIA.
There are no words.
Pearl Harbor? Nearly 3,000 servicemen and women died. Tens of thousands more would die fighting in the Pacific. In a brutal, slogging war that would not end until we dropped two atomic bombs on Japan.
Think of it. Picture the carnage at Pearl. Those burning in the oil-soaked harbor. Those entombed alive in their sinking ships. Imagine the incineration of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then the suffering of those who survived the blast only to rot away from radiation poisoning.
Then picture the Trump Putin press conference. A stinking press conference! And ask “Is there any shame left?”
Treason, Treason, Treason … Traitor Traitor Traitor
All week long we heard the cry of “Treason! Treason! Treason! Traitor! Traitor! Traitor!”
USA Today reported in a front-page story those calling Trump a “traitor.” The New York Daily News screamed “OPEN TREASONβ on its cover page.
What grieves me is the cankered, cynical souls of those throwing those words around. Clearly, they’re not motivated by love of country, but of retweets. By an unhinged loathing of the current president. Or feigned loathing. You don’t get return gigs on MSNBC or CNN by saying, “Let’s speak rationally.” (Or reminding their viewers it was Obama who repeatedly mocked the notion of Russia being a threat and took no steps to stop the election meddling.)
Calling for anything less than the personal and physical destruction of Donald Trump gets you drummed out of the liberal cult.
Problem is, those drums sound familiar.
This is the poster someone had plastered around Dallas on November 22, 1963.
“Sic Semper Tyrannis!” β Thus always to tyrants.
That’s what John Wilkes Booth shouted just after putting a bullet in President Lincoln’s head.
Booth was convinced he would be cheered as a hero. And history’s dirty little secret? Given much of the media coverage of Lincoln leading up to the assassination, Booth had good reason to think so.
The MSM and the Congressional Camera Hogs are playing for ratings and retweets. But they are playing with fire. Pray for the safety of the President. His life is in danger. And that is no hype.
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream and co-author of the new book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him on Twitter at @StreamingAl.