Dissatisfaction With Trump Grows in GOP Despite Recent Calm
Sen. Lee: Trump's "religiously intolerant" statements have made him "wildly unpopular" in Utah.
Donald Trump is causing growing dissatisfaction among the GOP, and this is spurred on by Utah Senator Mike Lee. The Republican has refused to endorse Trump and said in a recent interview that Trump has “made statements that some have identified correctly as religiously intolerant,” and that he is “wildly unpopular” in Utah.
Lee said he would consider endorsing Trump if he “heard the right things out of him.” Lee and other Senate Republicans who are not facing competitive reelection races seem more likely to join the “never Trump” caucus, Politico reported.
Some Republicans are “cautiously encouraged” by Trump’s more even-tempered campaigning style lately, according to Politico, as he has made less controversial statements recently. Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona said he is hesitant to be optimistic about this recent development.
“It’s only been a couple of days,” Flake said. “He’s shown those signs before and just snapped right back to the old Donald. So it’s a little too early to tell.”
A Fox News poll released Wednesday found that more than half of Republican voters would like someone other than Trump to be the GOP presidential nominee.
Trump does not seem to have recovered from his decline in June to 39 percent support, The Weekly Standard reported. Another recent poll found Hillary Clinton besting Trump in seven crucial swing states.
In addition to his waning support from his party, Trump has experienced difficulty raising funds for his campaign. He has raised $3.1 million in private donations, while Clinton has approximately $26 million.
Some dissatisfied Republicans are turning toward a third-party candidate, but the Fox News poll found that when Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson makes a three-way race, he earns 10 percent of the vote, while Clinton has 41 percent and Trump has 36 percent.