Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Would Rather Not Say If Her Kids Were Human Before Birth

By Amelia Hamilton Published on October 14, 2015

One way to get a pro-choice advocate to dodge a question is to ask when life begins. However, it seems pretty obvious that a human is always, you know, human. Right?

Not so much to DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, mother of three human children. caught up with Wasserman-Schultz last night after the Democratic Party debate, and she really didn’t want to answer a question on the human status of unborn children, including her own.

When asked if she believed, in her opinion, that her children were human beings before they were born, she refused to answer.

MRC TV: You have three children, correct?

Wasserman Schultz: I do.

MRC TV: How old are they?

Wasserman Schultz: I have twin 16-year-olds and a 12-year-old.

MRC TV: In your opinion, were they human beings before they were born?

Wasserman Schultz: You know, I believe that every woman has the right to make their own reproductive choices.

MRC TV: But what did you believe about your children?

Wasserman Schultz: That I had the right to make my own reproductive choices, which I was glad to have and which I was proud to have.

MRC TV: So were they human beings? Just yes or no.

Wasserman Schultz: They’re human beings today, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to make my own reproductive choices, as — a right that every woman has and should maintain.

That’s right.  A mother of three is unwilling to admit to having an opinion on whether or not her children were human beings prior to birth.

Watch the video here:

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