Day Five: And God Said, ‘Let the Water Teem With Living Creatures, and Let Birds Fly Above’
Editor’s Note: The Stream is running a 7 part Earth Week series celebrating each day of the first week of creation. You can find previous articles at the EarthWeek2018 series page. Be sure to check back every day this week!
What a lovely day it is. The sun is shining, the grass is green, and the robins and blue jays are out and about — beautiful birds, both.
You see, it was on the fifth day of creation that God made birds. And what a phenomenal work He did. Just think of the incredible detail in the feathers of a peacock. Or the brilliant red of a cardinal.
The fifth day was also when God created the creatures of the sea. Speaking of detail, we don’t even know the extent of the unique, and sometimes downright bizarre, creatures that live in the sea. And yet, what we have seen is incredible.
Let’s take a moment today to appreciate the beauty of God’s creativity. Here is just a small sampling of the creatures God made on Day Five: