David Hogg, Other Gun Control Activists Are Protected By … Guns
Gun control activists want to ban guns, but not when they need them. A long list of celebrity hypocrites are trying to disarm regular Americans while making an exception for themselves. It’s hypocritical. It also shows they don’t understand the different ways guns are used. Here are a few glaring examples.
David Hogg and fellow gun control activists recently showed up at the NRA’s headquarters to protest guns with an entourage of armed security guards. The 18-year-old Hogg became famous as a vocal gun control activist after a mass shooting at his school in Parkland, Florida, last year. The NRA tweeted about it in amusement.
Today, @davidhogg111 (with armed security) and a bunch of gun-grabbing activists protested our empty HQ, and there were some interesting people there. Our social team chatted up the crowd and ended the day with ice cream paid for by @Everytown! Stay tuned for video interviews! pic.twitter.com/kIhcWZ28dJ
— NRA (@NRA) August 5, 2018

Dianne Feinstein introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013 in the Senate. Yet she has admitted she had carried a gun. “I know the urge to arm yourself because that’s what I did.”
Comedian Rosie O’Donnell said on her TV show in 1999, “I don’t care if you want to hunt. I don’t care if you think it’s your right. I say, ‘Sorry.’ It is 1999. We have had enough as a nation. You are not allowed to own a gun, and if you do own a gun I think you should go to prison.” However, one of her personal bodyguards applied for a concealed weapons permit from the Greenwich Police Department in Connecticut. When asked about it, she responded in 2004, “I don’t personally own a gun, but if you are qualified, licensed and registered, I have no problem.”
Rosie McDonnell: “You are not allowed to own a gun, and if you do own a gun I think you should go to prison.”
Filmmaker Michael Moore has spoken out against guns, including making the movie Bowling for Columbine which criticized America for having a “culture of guns.” Moore said handguns and long guns (except for hunting) should be banned on the Donahue show. Yet his bodyguard was arrested in 2005 for carrying an unlicensed gun.
Milano, Kelly, and Brady
The actress Alyssa Milano attended an anti-NRA rally in May with a security guard who appeared to be carrying a gun. Milano later denied he was armed. Participants in the Women’s March against the NRA and gun rights last year were seen surrounded by armed security guards.
Mark Kelly, the husband of former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, has become a crusader for gun control along with his wife ever since she was shot by a deranged young man. In March 2013, after he had begun his activism, he bought an AR-15 and a .45 pistol. He said he turned the AR-15 over to the police but did not indicate he did so with the pistol.
Gun control advocate Sarah Brady, whose spouse James Baker was wounded in an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, bought a rifle for her son. She reacted, “I can’t describe how I felt when I picked up that rifle, loaded it into my little car and drove home. It seemed so incredibly strange: Sarah Brady, of all people, packing heat.” Shannon Watts, the founder of “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense,” has armed security guards accompanying her.
Country singer Shania Twain signed an “Open Letter to the NRA,” a full page ad published in USA Today. It was placed by Handgun Control, Inc., now known as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. But at her wedding in Puerto Rico, she had armed guards.
Safety Guns v. Harmful Guns
These celebrity gun controllers don’t understand the different ways guns are used. They confuse guns for protection with guns used for harm. People arm themselves in order to protect themselves from the bad guys with guns (who usually have acquired them illegally), knives, their fists, or whatever they choose to use to harm others. Americans merely want the right to arm themselves for protection — just like the celebrity activists do.
There are countless stories of brave Americans who have defended themselves from harm using a firearm. In March, a woman in her 50s was standing in her driveway in Houston when she was attacked by three armed men wearing masks. The men beat her, broke her jaw and stole her wallet. She ran into the house and the men broke a window trying to get in. She retrieved her pistol and came outside firing at the men until they fled in a car.
If the gun control celebrities had their way, she would not have owned a gun to defend herself. She could have been crippled or even killed. How many lives have these celebrities saved with their rhetoric? Honest Americans are the ones saving lives every day with guns.
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