David French’s Theology Exposed: Endorses Kamala Harris & Blasts ‘MAGA Christians’

Political commentator and columnist David French penned an op-ed in The New York Times recently endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and presenting the case for why he believes other so-called conservatives should support her to “save conservatism.”
I’ll be quoting from an article in The Christian Post, which you can read here, and accompanying it with my reactions.
I Laughed Out Loud
French suggested that a Harris administration would present a strong stance against Russia and offer Americans the chance to emerge from a Republican Party that has been destroyed.
When I read this, I laughed out loud. I don’t even know how to respond to the sheer ridiculousness of such a statement.
No, David, Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran will rise up like never before under a Harris presidency. They will take advantage of her weakness, sneer at diplomacy, and do whatever they want around the globe.
French also condemned various speakers at last month’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, by listing their sins and suggesting that Christians should not support a political party that allows such individuals to speak.
My heart broke for this as well, but I was stunned by French’s hypocrisy. The rappers and transgenders with which Harris surrounds herself say and do things that can’t even be mentioned in this article for their sheer grotesqueness. Why no mention of this, David? Or why no mention of Hulk Hogan’s repentance and redemption when discussing his appearance at the Republican National Convention?
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Although we should consider people’s character traits when deciding who deserves our vote, we must remember that we are not following people, we are endorsing policies to protect and to defend the nation from within and from without. But French argues that he is voting “for Kamala Harris in 2024 … to try to save conservatism.”
Yes folks, you read that right. I have no further comment. His statement speaks for itself as his naïveté is on full display.
Who Is Really Inciting Violence?
French alleged that the GOP has nominated a candidate who is personally responsible for engendering political violence.
Would I love to edit former President Donald Trump’s tweets and have him filled with the Spirit of God? ABSOLUTELY. But French fails to point out the funding of that George Soros and other far-left organizations are pumping into the political arena via groups that are purposely igniting violence. He avoids the clear and present danger this presents because of his personal hatred for Trump.
To be honest, I haven’t seen this much hypocrisy from an author in a long time. He has either so quenched and grieved the Spirit of God that he can no longer gauge accuracy, or he is an apostate who has always been fighting for the other side.
Yes, those are strong words, but we are living in very extreme times, and this hellish ideology must be called out.
A Respectable Position
I could respect French’s position if he simply said that he could not vote for either candidate. I get that. Some of us look at life much differently. For example, I envision the future we are leaving for our kids, and it alarms me. But French’s theology isn’t just not helping our future — it’s actively hurting it. It’s a weak and woke ideology sure to set our course even further from God’s Kingdom.
Although I don’t agree with Trump’s pro-life stance, I can support the fact that he is following the Constitution by leaving the decision about whether to allow abortions, and to what degree, to the individual states, whereas the Left endorses abortion up to nine months nationwide. I’m sure many of them also are fine with abortion after birth, because some of them have already said so. If you can kill a child in the womb at nine months, you can easily extinguish life when the child is born, too.
French went on to accuse Trump and his Evangelical supporters — whom he dubbed ‘MAGA Christians’ — of infecting the American church with “viciousness and intolerance.”
When the Left has no argument, they resort to childish tactics of name calling: MAGA, homophobe, Christian nationalist, etc., and that’s exactly what we see here: a man with no argument who has to resort to ad hominem attacks.
There are fringe groups on both the Right and the Left, but the difference between the two sides is that the fringe groups on the Left are becoming the voice of their party. That’s truly alarming.
If we love God, our family, and our country, we will make our stance clear. That’s not MAGA; it’s a movement — a movement back to God.
David, if the abortion industry, George Soros, Big Tech, major corporations, most of the media, and Hollywood are on your side, are you sure that you’re on the right side?
Yes, There Still is Hope
As I’ve said before: We need to return to the old paths. The church needs to wake up! Our prayer should be, “Oh Lord, we need revival again, and begin in me!”
Be crystal clear here: This is a plea for full surrender to Christ: He is the only Cure for our chaos, the only Anchor for our storm, and the only Hope for the hurting.
Shane Idleman is the founder and lead pastor of Westside Christian Fellowship in Southern California and the creator of the WCF Radio Network. His program, Regaining Lost Ground, points us back to God and reminds us that although times change, truth does not. His books, blogs, and sermons can all be found at ShaneIdleman.com.