Cruz, Carson Meet in a Closet to Smooth Over Differences; It Doesn’t Go Well

By The Stream Published on February 20, 2016

Two GOP candidates in the race for the White House, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, held a secret meeting Thursday night. The meeting reportedly was to smooth over hard feelings caused by the Cruz campaign spreading false CNN reports that Carson appeared to be dropping out of the race the night of the Iowa caucuses. Apparently the breach was not healed.

According to The Daily Beast, the two candidates met at Cruz’s request in a storage closet during the Conservative Review convention, while Carson’s secret service detail stood guard outside. The meeting was supposed to be brief, but stretched to 15-20 minutes. Carson’s communications director, Jason Osborne, told The Daily Beast the discussion “did not go well,” and that Carson ended the meeting, saying “we agree to disagree.”

“We disagree on accountability and culpability,” is how Carson put it, according to Osborne.

The Carson camp is also irritated the story went public. The meeting was supposed to be kept secret. Yet even as it was going on, reporters began asking about the meeting, which suggests they’d been tipped off in advance. Osborne accused the Cruz camp of leaking the story in an effort to boost their candidate’s image.

“We weren’t going to comment to the press on it,” said Osborne, “but it seems clear the other party involved had a different agenda. How else could we perceive that to be?”

According to The Daily Beast, the Cruz camp described the meeting as “a good visit.”

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