Confident to Engage
The bitter partisanship and the virulent bickering among our leaders is both reflecting the angst of the population and contributing to it. It is time for the body of Christ to accept our role and engage our world with the hope that is central to our existence.
“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.” — Hebrews 12:28-29 ESV
While the nations rage in despair, our privilege and “acceptable worship” is to proclaim and demonstrate the good news of what God has done through his Son on the cross and resurrection. We are not deluded by the cultural religion that often goes under the name of Christianity, but is more akin to nationalism or moralism.
We are commissioned to engage. The body of Christ (Church) has a mission to bless the whole world.
We have been radically transformed by the greatest event in history. We do not look to the enlightenment as our defining moment. It was not the exaltation of mankind that sparked the rise of civilization, but the exaltation of the Son whose death and resurrection restored us be fully human again. We live with the consciousness of being forgiven and cleansed. We know that the message of Jesus carries the power of heaven and can transform even the vilest villain. In fact, we are certain that many of the leaders of tomorrow’s restoration are probably drunk today.
We faint not at the present darkness. It cannot permanently sustain under the rising dawn of the gospel’s light. The Word of God will not return to him without accomplishing what he intended. (Isaiah’s perspective: 55:11). We joyfully trust the promise of our Lord who promised that his church would destroy the gates of hell. (Matthew 16:18). It is often camouflaged among the cultures of the world, but it will emerge and succeed.
It Takes More Than Morality
We are commissioned to engage. Our God loves the whole world. He saved Noah for the sake of the world. He exalted Joseph for the world’s sake. He chose Israel for the sake of all other nations. Jesus came for the world. Now, the body of Christ (Church) has a mission to bless the whole world. But we know that American civil religion is not the mustard seed that will grow to harbor the birds of the nations. It is not the leaven that is now working through the lump of dough.
We know that even morality based on natural law will not transform people or cultures. It is the powerful proclamation that God has acted in his Son to restore us to full humanity, ready to enjoy him and work with him in blessing the world.
We are not intimidated by the misinterpretation of the deceived, nor the accusations of the defeated deceiver. We are not making plans to abandon planet earth or to escape the expected conflict with darkness. We feel no need to compromise with evil to survive, nor adapt the culture in order to appear relevant. We represent the latest thing in government. In fact, the launched kingdom of God is the freshest and best form of government ever seen on earth.
We speak the universally relevant language of love, while dressed in the finest fashion of humility, which makes even the most homely, beautiful. We are steadily marching from Calvary’s victory to Zion’s glory.
There is no need to rage along with those who have no grounds for hope. It does no good to curse the present darkness of divisiveness. It is time to rise and shine. It is our day. We are confident because our Lord has conquered.