Report: Comey Will Not Testify That Trump Obstructed Justice

By Published on June 6, 2017

Former FBI Director James Comey will not testify Thursday that President Donald Trump interfered in the investigation of former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn, ABC News reports.

Comey will, however, dispute Trump’s assertion that he told the president he was not under investigation three separate times. Trump suggested Comey had given him these assurances in his letter dismissing the former FBI director.

“He is not going to Congress to make accusations about the President’s intent, instead he’s there to share his concerns,” a source familiar with Comey’s thinking told ABC.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly cleared Comey to testify in the open hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee. The hearing will likely focus on the circumstances of Comey’s firing, the investigation into any Russian efforts to meddle in the 2016 election, and if any White House effort was made to obstruct the FBI inquiry into Flynn.


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