Huckabee’s Had Enough of Brennan and Comey
If fired FBI Director James Comey told you that you must forget policy differences for now and vote for Democrats this fall if you believe in this country’s values, what would you do? Laugh in his face, right? That makes me wonder just who was supposed to be on the receiving end of his ridiculous tweet. Does he think he’s influencing Trump supporters? If so, he has to be even more out of touch with reality than we thought.
“History has its eyes on us,” he said. Our history won’t be written for a long time, but I don’t think James Comey is going to come out looking very good. At least he didn’t say we as Trump supporters are on “the wrong side of history,” because that expression is getting really tired.
I hardly have to point out why a Democratic victory is so important to Comey and other current and former government officials, but here it is, anyway: If Democrats win, ALL ITS INVESTIGATIONS OF THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES WILL CEASE, AND IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS AGAINST TRUMP (NO EVIDENCE REQUIRED) WILL BEGIN.
If Democrats win, we’ll be headed back to the way it would have been if “the insurance policy” had worked and Hillary Clinton had been elected in 2016. (No doubt she and Obama will even be calling the shots). Everything that has to do with her corrupt State Department tenure and 2016 campaign will be buried, and Democratic power will be solidified and protected by the nation’s bureaucracies for the foreseeable future, at any cost.
Old-Time USSR Values
Sorry, Mr. Comey, but I don’t share your “values.” You let Hillary off the hook for obvious and very serious crimes. You set the wolves on President Trump when there was no evidence of wrongdoing on his part. You and your colleagues worked to further a false narrative for political purposes, and I think your attempts to do so are absolutely abhorrent, including your deluded and sanctimonious tweets. With all your condemnation of Russia, your attempt to determine the power structure of this country through the actions of a non-elected bureaucracy smacks of old-time USSR values, not American.
If Democrats take control and stop the truth from coming out, it will be a tragedy for our country.
It’s hard even to imagine how loud Democrats’ screams of “treason!!!” would be if Trump were, say, caught on a hot mic telling Putin’s emissary that he’d have more flexibility after he was safely re-elected. They’ve been trying hysterically to keep the false “Russia collusion” narrative going through the midterms, but it just doesn’t work any more. They’re like the bad magician whose movements reveal every trick and whose strings cast noticeable shadows in the spotlight. We’re wise to them, even if they’ve come to believe the fantasy themselves.
In 2016 and even before, our intelligence agencies knew Russians were OF COURSE trying to infiltrate our voting systems. They did nothing to stop it. They suspected that some of Trump’s campaign associates had perhaps had contact with Russian agents. They did nothing to stop it. If they were really concerned about Russia influencing the outcome of our election, they would have alerted the candidate himself. They did not, preferring to set a trap and implicate him.
It’s not generally my style to tell someone to shut up, but if it were, this would be the time. Rational people are sick of you, Mr. Comey. You brought disgrace to the FBI.
The Shameful John Brennan
As for former CIA Director John Brennan, he should be ashamed as well, but he won’t be. If he hadn’t been so all-out vicious in his anti-Trump tweets, we might be able to believe he wasn’t a big part of the effort to derail Trump’s candidacy and, later, presidency. But just as Brennan can’t resist expressing his true colors in hateful tweets and downright seditious statements on MSNBC, wildly accusing Trump of treason, he no doubt couldn’t resist using his power and connections in any way possible to stop Trump in 2016.
It’s hard to believe a man like Brennan was actually confirmed by the Senate to head the CIA when Obama appointed him in 2013. For starters, they had to know he voted for the Communist Party in the 1976 election (America’s, not Russia’s) when we were deep in the Cold War. (He said it was due to his “unhappiness with the system”; I assume he didn’t mean the Communist system.) How is that ever justified for the head of our foreign intelligence service? But — oh, wait — it was a Democratic majority led by Sen. Harry Reid. (Rand Paul tried to filibuster, but on another issue). Now it makes sense.
Originally published at Reprinted with permission.