Combating the Women’s March With Love Over Anger

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 21: Protesters walk during the Women's March on Washington, with the U.S. Capitol in the background, on January 21, 2017 in Washington, DC.

By Diane Strack Published on January 17, 2020

The Women’s March is about to once again descend on Washington, D.C., with claims to stand up for women, but I believe it does just the opposite.

Organizers declare that the mission of the Women’s March is to “harness the political power of diverse women … through trainings, outreach programs and events.” The first call to action on the website homepage proclaims: “It’s time to impeach.” How does this agenda help women to heal, to find power in the present and hope for the future?

Energized Through Anger

This movement is energized through anger with a call to be trained to think as they do. The Women’s March is far from the “nonviolent resistance of civil rights marches” of which it claims to be reminiscent. The contempt flowing throughout its message is in stark contrast to Martin Luther King Jr.’s urge for all to “love one another.”

The Women’s March began in 2017 and was followed by the #MeToo movement, which created an explosion of bitterness as thousands of women publicly unloaded their abuse. #MeToo revealed a true, national epidemic of abuse and unhealed emotional pain.

The statistics for emotional, sexual and physical abuse among women are astounding. Every 73 seconds another American is sexually assaulted. Family and domestic health violence are estimated to affect 10 million people in the United States every year. Each form of family violence begets interrelated forms of violence, and the “cycle of abuse” is often continued from exposed children into their adult relationships.

These women truly ache inside and we ache with them.

No Joy or Healing

The media jumped into the #MeToo movement with all the fervency and criticism it could muster, but it offered no real help for women suffering from pain. Instead, the common shout was to choose revenge as a way to cope. “Revenge Porn” websites grew into the thousands, too.

We have seen throughout history that unresolved anger begets more anger. There is no joy; no healing; and no hope in this scenario.

At the first Women’s March, Madonna blew up with an anger-filled speech she claimed was to bring about a “revolution of love. But we don’t need a “revolution”; we need heart transformation.

There is another way, a healthy alternative for women who want to move beyond the noisy rhetoric. We need a contrast to the sisterhood of anger. I believe we need a sisterhood in Christ, a genuine relationship without judgment. Humankind was created to love and to be loved.

She Loves Out Loud

That is why I founded She Loves Out Loud, a prayer movement for women culminating in a live-streamed event on Feb.15, 2020, where we will focus on moving past the bitterness and anger to find hope and healing.

We want women across America to know that they are seen and heard. We want them to know they are loved, just as they are. Our message to women everywhere is that we love you too much to let anxiety, fear or pain hold you back from the freedom of heart God intends for you.

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Screaming rants are not the message we want to pass on to our children nor do we want women to believe the lie that life will be better through anger and bitterness.

Any and every woman can begin life anew. She can find freedom in the rivers of grace so freely given by the God Who loves her unconditionally. Trauma and anxiety can be overcome through prayer and friendship. I encourage women around the nation to reach out to one another to share their stories, but then to move forward past the pain and anger with the help and support we can bring to one another.


Diane Strack is the founder of She Loves Out Loud, a movement and event encouraging groups of women across the nation to gather in their homes, churches and workplaces to pray for healing, unity and restoration for women worldwide. A nationwide livestream event will occur Feb. 15, 2020. More information is available at including how to attend the She Loves Out Loud event being held right here, on the campus of Life Outreach International in Euless, TX.

Copyright Christian Headlines 2020. Republished with permission.

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