What Color is This Dress?
One picture has sent the social media world into disarray, causing people to ask - What color is this dress?
Even if you barely checked your Facebook feed this morning, chances are you’ve seen the picture of this blue dress at least ten times. Or perhaps to you, it looks white.
Since last night, people have been arguing on social media about the color of this dress. Is it blue with black lace? White with gold lace? Are some of your friends color blind? Are YOU color blind? Is everyone colorblind in different ways? All of these questions went running through my head as I discussed the picture with my friends at dinner last night.
Lucky for all of us, the question has been solved! WIRED seems to have the answer, though they explain it not in terms of how human vision was designed to work, but how it supposedly “evolved.” In any case, the Darwinian gloss adds nothing to the otherwise fascinating explanation.