CNN Insider Secretly Records Company Leadership, Exposes Anti-Trump Bias

By Rachel Alexander Published on October 16, 2019

Project Veritas has done it again. They obtained undercover videos from a CNN insider exposing the company’s bias against President Trump and conservatives. Not that this comes as a surprise to anyone. CNN’s bias has been no secret for years now. They just won’t admit it.

Now they’ve been caught on video admitting it. And some CNN employees are daring to talk on the record to Project Veritas. 

The Story

Cary Poarch secretly recorded CNN President Jeff Zucker’s 9 a.m. daily rundown calls. Poarch works for CNN’s Washington D.C. bureau.

“Impeachment is the story,” he tells the staff. He said, “I don’t care about the MSNBC event, OK? I don’t care about them. Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment.” He also said, “We’re moving towards impeachment. I mean, don’t like, you know. We shouldn’t pretend, oh this is going one way. And so all these moves are moves toward impeachment.”

“Let’s just stay very focused on impeachment.”

He ranted against Fox News. “I think what’s going on in America now is really fundamentally the result of years of fake news, conspiracy nonsense from Fox News that has taken root in this country,” he said. “The fake conspiracy nonsense that Fox has spread for years is now deeply embedded in American society and at the highest levels of the Republican elected officials as we’ve seen … and frankly that is beyond destructive for America.”

Poarch told Project Veritas that while CNN calls Fox News propaganda, it is CNN that is “popping out propaganda.”

Lindsey Graham Targeted

Zucker went after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who’s become a staunch Trump defender. “Yeah, so I just want to say on the Lindsey Graham front, I know that there’s a lot of people at CNN that are friendly with Lindsey Graham. It’s time to knock that off and it’s time to call him out.”

CNN Media Coordinator Nick Neville says Zucker controls the narrative. “Like, there are a lot of people who are out here trying to play like, just do what they think is the best journalistic integrity,” he says in a recording. “Then you get on the 9 a.m. call and the big boss, Jeff Zucker, ***** tells what to do.”

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Zucker, he says, “has a personal vendetta against Trump. Your own biases are gonna be there. They’re going to seep into what you think, they’re gonna seep into what you say, so if Jeff Zucker like blatantly hates Trump, and he runs CNN (which he does), it’s not gonna be positive (for you guys). No, I mean it’s not gonna be positive for Trump. He hates him. It’s gonna be negative!”

Can’t Stand Trump

The feeling is widely shared at CNN. Hiram Gonzalez, a floor director for CNN, is seen saying, “Between you and I we created this monster and now we’re eating him full plate every single day. Media created the Trump monster.”

CNN floor manager Mike Brevna saw an employee weeping after the election was called for Trump. “I came in at about 10 or 11 o’clock that night. And as I started walking towards this person, as I got closer, I could hear her sobbing. People were like, in shock.”

CNN Media Coordinator Christian Sierra echoed that observation. “That day, man, when I came in, everyone was silent. Nobody wanted to talk. I’m like, like the mood was just so sour the whole day. It was a ***** dreary day. I bet at Fox it was like euphoria.”

“Cooper hates him, Don Lemon hates him, Cuomo doesn’t like him and Tapper doesn’t like him either.”

Sierra said the anchors at CNN can’t stand Trump. “Cooper hates him, Don Lemon hates him, Cuomo doesn’t like him and Tapper doesn’t like him either.”

He admitted to Project Veritas, “MSNBC is tougher on Republicans, and we’re tough on the Republicans too. More than so than the Democrats. Our Democratic interviews are like softballs, compared to the Republicans. If you notice like every time, we ask questions to Republicans, like it’s always a little tougher than when we do get the Democrats.”

A Nightmare

Sierra also observed, “I think that shootings in poorer areas, um, minority communities, don’t get as much coverage as if they were to happen in a white community.” When Carpe Donktum, whose memes supporting Trump have gone viral, posted a clip of Sierra saying that, Twitter suspended him. He was told it was a permanent ban, but within a few hours Twitter relented and reactivated his account. Twitter has a history of censoring conservative accounts. Clearly, CNN has an agenda, too. They think murders that occur in white neighborhoods are more important to cover than murders that occur in minority neighborhoods. For all the left’s accusations that the right harbors white supremacists, this would seem to point the finger back at them. 

Poarch said when he first came to work for CNN, it was his dream. But that dream became a nightmare. He just wants CNN to own up to what they’re really like. Admit they lean to the left.

Project Veritas will be releasing several more videos. To receive notice when they come out, sign up at


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