Chemical Castration As Conception Prevention

Who Cares About Side Effects?

By William M Briggs Published on March 26, 2018

Men, how would you like to inject yourself regularly in the pertinents so that your testosterone levels plunge to levels as if you were castrated?

Don’t answer yet! There are “benefits” you might not have considered. For instance, undergoing this delight will result in the production of low to no sperm. You will then be able to engage in sexual intercourse and avoid the positive consequences of that act.

You might think a modern-day Dr. Moureau thought up the injection caper. Here’s the big surprise β€” he couldn’t find a pharmaceutical sponsor.

Sharper Than a Knife

Someone, however, must have noted his efforts. For chemists secreted themselves inside labs and tried to discover a formula for father-prevention in pill form. Early efforts resulted in liver damage in the victims, which is to say, in the test subjects.

But news was announced that a new formulation might provide men the chemical castration they seek without side effects. Or without many side effects. Or with possibly long-term side effects. Actually, the word on side effects is still out.

The new pill, called dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU), is a two-for-one deal. It contains a chemical to block testosterone production. But because of the importance of this crucial hormone in men having male characteristics, the new drug also contains an androgen (a male hormone), which they hope mimics all the effects of testosterone. Except the “unwanted” effect of making sperm.

They Said What?

Specifics of the study are not yet available. The results so far are in the form of a press release and a presentation given at a scientific meeting. It appears about 25 men were given placebos (“sugar” pills), and about 58 men were given the new drug in various forms for only 28 days.

The result was that “at the highest dose of DMAU tested [in ’12 to 15 men’], subjects showed ‘marked suppression’ of levels of their testosterone and two hormones required for sperm production.”

If that’s the “good” news, what’s the bad news?

“Despite having low levels of circulating testosterone,” the researchers explain, “very few subjects reported symptoms consistent with testosterone deficiency or excess.” Which is also admitting that some subjects reported symptoms consistent with testosterone deficiency or excess. And since only 12-15 men saw “marked suppression” of testosterone, a “few” experiencing side effects is a large percentage.

The press release also admits men on the pill gained weight and had decreases in HDL, the good cholesterol. About whether sperm production ceased or slowed, they do not say.

Toxic Anti-Masculinity

What might we guess about other effects of long-term blocking of testosterone?

Well, there is evidence that low testosterone can cause erectile dysfunction and the lack of sexual desire. The opposite is also true: many men given testosterone improve erectile function and have increased libido. Men with low testosterone are on average fatter; cardiovascular disease can also cause erectile dysfunction and lack of sexual desire.

Low testosterone, then, can cause abstinence. And it must be admitted there is no better birth prevention technique than abstinence. (Research which purports to “prove” abstinence doesn’t “work” study departures from abstinence and not abstinence.)

Eunuchs were a thing for a reason. One month of study time is not nearly long enough to measure these kinds of effects. It’s also an open question what happens to the men who cease to take the drug.

It’s not clear whether the androgen in DMAU will “make up the difference” of the lost testosterone. Becoming, as it were, less manly is a known outcome of lowering or eliminating testosterone (especially when young). Eunuchs were a thing for a reason. One month of study time is not nearly long enough to measure these kinds of effects. It’s also an open question what happens to the men who cease to take the drug. Will their testosterone levels rebound? Will they suffer permanent effects from the testosterone stoppage?

One For the Ladies

Such things happen in women who stop taking “the pill.” They find it much harder to become pregnant. They also suffer other long-term side effects. As one report says, “Taking the pill heightens a woman’s risk of developing breast and cervical cancer, increases her risk of depression, and can cause her blood pressure to rise.”

A small price to pay?

Maybe too large. Because everybody, the chemists and the users of their concoctions, knows what sex is for. This is why everybody is going to such enormous efforts β€” to block the for. Since the for is Doin’ What Comes Natur’lly, the chemicals and methods to block the for must be unnatural. And since they are unnatural, we should expect unnatural things to happen.

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