Charges Dropped Against Pro-Life Advocate Arrested for Silently Praying Outside Abortion Clinic
Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, a pro-life advocate and charity volunteer arrested for allegedly praying outside an abortion clinic, is continuing to seek legal action against United Kingdom authorities after prosecutors dropped charges against her.
Vaughan-Spruce was arrested in December 2022 after officers accused her of silently praying outside an abortion clinic in violation of England’s Public Protection Order zones that prohibit any kind of demonstration or “anti-social behavior” to protect abortion clinics. On Friday, the United Kingdom’s chapter of Alliance Defending Freedom, a public interest legal group, announced in a press release that prosecutors had dropped the charges, but Vaughan-Spruce intends to pursue legal action anyway to get a “clear verdict.”
“Given the nature of Vaughan-Spruce’s regular voluntary work in offering charitable support to women in crisis pregnancies near abortion facilities, the discontinuance has left her with significant legal unclarity moving forward, given that CPS made clear that the charges ‘may well start again’ in the near future subject to further evidential review,” the press release read. “Vaughan-Spruce has now made known her intention to pursue a verdict in court.”
Although the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) dropped the initial charges, they informed ADF UK and Vaughn-Spruce that the charges “may well start again” if they decide to investigate further, according to the press release. Vaughan-Spruce’s charity work and pro-life advocacy will continue, according to ADF UK, but could also provide CPS with incentives to reopen the case.
“It’s important to me that I can continue my vital work in supporting women who’d like to avoid abortion if they only had some help. In order to do so, it’s vital that I have clarity as to my legal status,” Vaughan-Spruce said in the press release. “Many of us need an answer as to whether it’s still lawful to pray silently in our own heads. That’s why I’ll be pursuing a verdict regarding my charges in court.”
ADF UK and CPS did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
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