CEO of Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Targeted by Terrorists Asks, ‘Did Merrick Garland Commit Perjury’?

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, March 1, Attorney General Merrick Garland was questioned regarding the disparity in how the FBI treats pro-life people and groups. At the hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz pointed to a picture of our CompassCare’s firebombed pro-life medical office in Buffalo noting similar attacks nationwide for which pro-abortion domestic terror group, Jane’s Revenge took responsibility.
Really? FBI Can’t Solve Crimes Committed at Night?
Sen. Cruz decried the DOJ saying, “And yet the Department of Justice has not brought these violent criminals to justice…. You contrast that to [recently exonerated peaceful pro-life activist] Mark Houck. Why do you send two dozen agents in body armor to arrest a sidewalk counselor who happens to be pro-life but you don’t devote resources to prosecute people who are violently firebombing crisis pregnancy centers?”
Attorney General Merrick Garland said the reason they have not made arrests is because, “…[the firebombings occurred] at night and in secret.”
Sen. Mike Lee also highlighted the imbalance saying, “The DOJ has announced charges against 34 individuals for blocking access to…abortion clinics…and there have been over 81 reported attacks on pregnancy centers…and only two individuals have been charged. So how do you explain this disparity?”
Garland justified the FBI’s lack of performance saying, “Those attacking the pregnancy resource centers…are doing this at night, in the dark…these people who are doing this are clever and are doing it in secret.”
Assuming the FBI’s forensic analysis is hindered by cloak of darkness, it is a wonder they arrest anyone for anything since crime is usually done in secret, under the cover of physical or moral darkness.
Still, darkness does not seem to be a problem for the FBI when locating the criminal charged with a nighttime arson attack of an abortion clinic on January 15 in Peoria, IL. It took the FBI just nine days.
No Even-Handed Treatment of the FACE Act
Further, Merrick Garland is committing perjury about the even-handedness of the DOJ and the FBI applying the FACE Act when it comes to abortion. Page 18 of a report provided by the DOJ to the Senate Judiciary Committee notes the establishment of the Reproductive Health Task Force to protect the abortion industry at the behest of President Biden in July just after the reversal of Roe. The report states in part, “The Department is also advising federal agencies on legal issues related to reproductive health and enforcing federal laws to protect those seeking reproductive health care.” This refers to enforcing the unconstitutional FACE Act.
The DOJ’s own website identifies that the purpose of the 1994 FACE Act is to focus on indictments for what they call “anti-abortion activities.” To further underscore the point that the DOJ is not treating the rampant violence against pregnancy centers equally can be found again, on their website where they list “Recent Cases of Violence Against Reproductive Health Care Providers.” The list does not include a single case of violence against a pro-life entity while continuing to list exonerated, peaceful pro-life father of seven, Mark Houck, as a violent offender under the 5th bullet point.
On February 28, one day prior to Garland’s testimony, FBI Director Christopher Wray in an exclusive interview to bolster the battered FBI reputation insisted, “All I can tell you is that we have one standard.”
It doesn’t take a law enforcement officer to know when the facts don’t add up. If the DOJ and the FBI really do have one standard, it is the standard of injustice because the brutal and sad facts reveal theirs is not the standard of equal justice. Justice is found in results not words.
CompassCare is still suing to have its video surveillance returned so private investigators can find the ANTIFA pro-abortion terrorists and force an arrest.
Rev. James R. Harden, M.Div. is the CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services and lives outside of Rochester, NY with his wife and ten children. Rev. Harden pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement, helping hundreds of centers nationwide become more effective at reaching more women and saving more babies from abortion. He has written extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership, and pro-life strategy. Recently CompassCare’s pro-life medical office in Buffalo, NY was firebombed.