CDC’s Advice for Male ‘Chestfeeding’ Pushes Transgenderism to the Limits … If It Has Any

“Officials of the Biden administration must stay up nights thinking of new and exotic ways to push the agenda of the Sexual Revolution,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “The latest example is ‘guidance’ from the Centers for Disease Control on how men can breastfeed – or ‘chestfeed,’ as activists prefer.”
Morse explained: “The CDC website offers advice to men who’ve taken hormones to stimulate the growth of breasts to induce lactation. Quantities of these hormones will be absorbed by the infant. The FDA has warned that one of them ‘can frequently give babies an irregular heartbeat as a result.’”
Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, stated: “We have no idea what the long-term effects on the child will be [if a breastfeeding trans woman uses] all kinds of off-label hormones … . A lot of people are pushing for off-label use of a drug … . It’s become so politicized that you can do all kinds of things for a politically approved purpose.”
“I agree with Dr. Orient,” Morse said. “Once again, the scientific/medical establishment is putting its seal of approval on experimenting on children to satisfy adult desires. It’s shameful.”
“No” to Ivermectin. Yes to Fake Breast Milk from Men
The term “off-label” means using a drug for a different purpose than the one it has been approved for. Some medications required to induce lactation in trans women are not approved for boosting milk production in America.
Dr Stuart Fischer, an internal medicine physician in New York, stated: “The idea that breast milk produced by trans women is comparable to breast milk made by biological women is very hard to believe. If it’s been tested a handful of times, how would we know the long-range effect? The short-term is one thing, but the long-term in terms of physical and mental illness… who knows? It’s an emerging field, to put it mildly.”
Morse concludes: “With all of the health crises our nation confronts, you’d think the CDC could find something better to do with its time than pander to the fantasies of the so-called trans community. This is not authentic science. This is not responsible medicine.”
“The Centers for Disease Control was once an important linchpin of the American public health system. This episode shows that they have become the tool of a special interest group, which is pasting a thin veneer of science and medicine over a purely ideological policy.”
See also the Ruth Institute’s Transgender Resource Center for science and testimonies about the trans agenda.
They’re Coming for Your Children
Aaron Baer is the President of Center for Christian Virtue (CCV), which leads efforts in Ohio to protect children, born and unborn.
If new legislation on the ballot in Ohio this November passed, “upwards of 30,000 lives every year would be lost in the state… It would allow for abortions without parental consent. It would allow sex change surgeries on kids without parental consent.”
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The creators of abortion legislation are deviously hiding transgenderism in their bills because “they recognize how deeply unpopular, even with a lot of registered Democrats, the transgender agenda is, especially when it comes to kids.”
“’Transgender medical care is reproductive freedom.’ This is the language they use in other states. They’re just trying to hide it here.”
Be watchful. This insidiousness is creeping into every state. Learn how to read between the lines and cut through the cunning wording and propaganda to stop bills like this from passing in your state.
Baer and his organization have a plan to stop this new bill with a special vote in August. Find out what that is and prepare yourself to do the same.
Get the full video by joining our Locals community, or watch on YouTube, Bitchute, or Rumble.
“Conservative” Democrat Governor Vetoes Protection for Kids
Louisiana enacted three bills to place common sense limits on transgender “medicine” and on the behavior of schools and teachers. However, Louisiana’s governor vetoed them. The state legislature is holding a special session to override his veto.
Kathleen Benfield of Louisiana Family Forum, transgenderism expert Brandon Showalter with Christian Post, and Meridian Baldacci of the Family Policy Alliance join Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse for a special broadcast of The Dr. J Show.
The trans issue impacts every state. If we can’t protect children in one of the most conservative states, no state is safe.
Learn from these experts how to fight trans legislation in your state by watching this video on YouTube, Bitchute, or Rumble.
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.