The Brew: Biden Rewrites Title IX, Leaving Female Athletes at Schools Nationwide in the Dust Al Perrotta
The Brew: Trump Goes on Trial, Blamed for Iran, ‘Health Crisis’ and Travis Getting Yelled at by Taylor Al Perrotta
Al’s Afternoon Tea: Masters Winner Praises the Master, Plus When ‘Don’t’ Means ‘Go Ahead’ And Attack Our Ally Al Perrotta
Al’s Afternoon Tea: Biden Blows Off SCOTUS, DOJ Blows Off House. Seems the White House Blew Off the Constitution Al Perrotta
The Brew: Sun-and-Moon Show Spectacular. SC Coach on Males Competing in Women’s Sports? Not So Spectacular Al Perrotta
The Brew: Got Those World-War-III, Gas-Prices-through-the-Roof, Can’t-See-the-Eclipse Blues Al Perrotta
Why So Few Syrian Christian Refugees? For the Same Reason You Can’t Find Orphans in Haitian Orphanages Jonathan Witt
An Interview With Rev. Samuel Rodriguez on the Migrant Caravan and How Christians Should Respond James Robison
Mark Levin: Whatever Happened to Individual Liberty? ‘Soft Tyranny’ is Getting More Aggressive James Robison