Carson on Hannity Defends, Expands His Remarks on a Muslim President
GOP candidate Ben Carson continues doubling down on his statement that he would not “advocate” electing a Muslim president. However, he has offered clarification.
Appearing Monday night on Fox News. Dr. Carson told Sean Hannity he “absolutely” stood by the remarks made on Meet the Press, remarks that instantly ignited a firestorm around Carson’s campaign.
Carson insisted he was speaking of Muslims who did not reject Sharia Law. The tenets of Islam do not allow, for example, a separation of church and state.
Now, if someone has a Muslim background and they’re willing to reject those tenets and to accept the way of life that we have, and clearly will swear to place our Constitution above their religion, then, of course, they will be considered infidels and heretics, but at least I would then be quite willing to support them.
Carson also pointed out he had prefaced the Meet the Press remark by saying, “I don’t care what religion or faith someone belongs to if they’re willing to subjugate that to the American way and to our Constitution.” He repeated Tuesday that the context for his comment has been lost in the kerfuffle, telling reporters in Ohio, “It seems to be hard for people actually to hear English and understand it.”
Here is Dr. Carson’s entire interview with Sean Hannity.
Amid the hoopla over his Muslim remarks, the political world was given a reminder Tuesday Dr. Carson is no mere politician. Helping greet the candidate at a rally at Ohio’s Cedarville University was 25-year-old Adam Brandt. Two decades ago, the famed neurosurgeon performed brain surgery on five-year-old Adam, removing a tumor after an earlier effort had failed.
Carson remembered Adam, saying in a statement to Cedarville University, “One of the many blessings of my life is to see the children I cared for become adults. What greater reward could man receive than the joy of seeing your hard work doing so well.”