Caitlyn Jenner is Not the ‘Former Stepmother’ of Kim Kardashian
The cultural madness can only last so long before something snaps.
If anything underscores the confusion of transgender activism, it is Kim Kardashian’s recent interview with Ellen DeGeneres about (Bruce) Caitlyn Jenner’s new book.
Kim spoke in a gracious, non-condemning way, and she made clear to Ellen that she only wanted the best for Caitlyn. That was not the problem. The problem lies with the words she used and how those words were reported.
As reported on Pink News, “Kim Kardashian hits out at ‘untruthful’ stepmother Caitlyn Jenner on Ellen.” Yes, “Kim Kardashian has lashed out her former stepmother Caitlyn Jenner.”
Well, here’s a breaking news alert. Bruce (or, Caitlyn) Jenner was not Kim Kardashian’s stepmother. Not ever. You can believe that Bruce Jenner is now a transwoman. You can decide to refer to him as “her.” You can even say that “Kim Kardashian’s former stepfather is now a transwoman named Caitlyn Jenner.” But don’t recreate the past and say that Bruce Jenner is Kim’s “former stepmother.”
Bruce was married to Kim’s mother, Kris, and Bruce was Kim’s stepfather. End of story, simple and clear. What is not simple and clear, however, is the way this must now be described. (I’ve italicized some of the words for emphasis.)
She Was my Stepdad
Kim said to Ellen, “I’ll always love her. That was my stepdad for so many years. She taught me about character growing up, and I just feel like I don’t respect the character she’s showing now.”
Yes, she was my stepdad.
No amount of activist pressure or semantic doublespeak will alter reality. The cultural madness can only go so far before something snaps.
What about Bruce’s biological children, Kendall and Kylie? What did Kim have to say about their relationship to Caitlyn?
“For Kendall and Kylie, that’s their dad,” Kim said.
Bingo! She hit the nail on the head. Bruce (Caitlyn) Jenner is the father (not mother) of Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and no matter who Bruce has become, he will not be their mother. Ever.
It Takes a Mother and a Father
This leads to a second breaking news alert. If Bruce Jenner fathers two girls named Kendall and Kylie, then has “sex-change” surgery and becomes a transwoman, he does not become Kendall and Kylie’s mother. They already have a mother, named Kris, and Bruce is their father, not their mother.
You see, fathers provide the seed and mothers provide the egg. And fathers don’t carry babies in their wombs and give birth to them. Mothers do. (Sorry for the advanced biology lesson, but it appears some people have forgotten this.)
That means that no matter how Bruce Jenner identifies today, he/she will never be Kendall and Kyle’s mother, nor do I believe that he/she would ever claim to be their mother.
But in the mad, mad world of extreme LGBT activism, Bruce Caitlyn Jenner is now the “former stepmother” of Kim Kardashian.
When will society wake up?
Modern Madness: A Ticking Time Bomb
In the book 50 Ways to Support Gay and Lesbian Equality, Noelle Howey spoke about her dad, who years earlier had sex-change surgery. Although Howey completely embraced her father’s new identity, there were some problems to overcome:
Names, like pronouns, were initially a challenge for us. The conundrum might have been solved by defaulting her title to ‘Mother,’ as most kids of transsexuals are inclined to do. Call us old-fashioned, but my father and I had little intention of altering the name of our relationship, regardless of peer pressure. I already had a mother, who was more than a bit proprietary about the title. Also, I had a father. She might have changed her gender, but that didn’t change who originally brought the sperm to the party.
And it’s the one who brings “the sperm to the party” who is the father.
No amount of activist pressure or semantic doublespeak or deconstruction of reality will alter this simple fact.
This is another reason why I still believe that LGBT activism will ultimately defeat itself. The cultural madness can only go so far before something snaps.