Equipping Christians to Think Clearly About the Political, Economic and Moral Issues of Our Day.
Support The Stream#BustRacism Hashtag Asks Gallery to Remove Bust of Margaret Sanger
A group of black pastors have asked the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery to remove a bust of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood Founder and known Eugenicist, from their “Struggle for Justice” exhibit. Today, the Media Research Center organized a Tweetfest, asking users to tweet the Smithsonian and National Portrait Gallery to show that they support the removal of the bust.
The tweets have been powerful!
The Smithsonian won’t remove its #MargaretSanger bust from the National Portrait Gallery. Why honor a eugenicist? #BustRacism
— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) August 25, 2015
Listen to 5-min E.W. Jackson interview on why the #MargaretSanger bust must GO! #bustracism #PlannedParenthood http://t.co/K1R7GxGL5c
— Alan Eason (@real_issues) August 26, 2015
“We want to exterminate the Negro population.” Eugenicist Sanger shouldn’t be honored. Call @NPG at 888-317-2837 #BustRacism
— MRC Latino (@MRCLatino) August 26, 2015
Putting racist Margaret Sanger next to Dr. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks in the “Struggle for Justice” exhibit is insulting. #BustRacism
— Brent Bozell (@BrentBozell) August 26, 2015
Why is @NPG honoring PP’s racist founder? Call 888-317-2837 to demand they remove the Sanger bust #BustRacism http://t.co/YbsJyV2DTa
— CNSNews (@cnsnews) August 26, 2015
And our Lady Macbeth, Planned Parenthood, counts her jewels with bloody hands. #bustracism @streamdotorg http://t.co/8Wii8mmaqm #tcot
— Alan Eason (@real_issues) August 26, 2015
Disgraceful: Bust of racist Margaret Sanger is displayed in @NPG’s “Struggle for Justice" exhibit. #BustRacism pic.twitter.com/pySB3IH3gI
— Alan C. Moore (@SecPress) August 26, 2015
Remember @PPFA's foundation & legacy: eugenics. When will @NPG stop honoring #MargaretSanger? #BustRacism pic.twitter.com/EstNcXoTal
— Brent Bozell (@BrentBozell) August 26, 2015
Join in on Twitter to let the National Portrait Gallery know that Sanger doesn’t belong in the Hall of Justice.