Bunni’s Book Club: The Political Seduction of the Church by Dr. Michael L. Brown

I love to read. Especially about my two favorite subjects — Jesus and politics. People frequently ask me about my favorite books — so for a fun exercise, I am writing each month about some of the books I am reading — new releases, classics, books by friends, and books that have shaped me through the years. The Bible is always the most important book to read each day. Start with that — and then be fed by His Body through the wealth of books. Join my book club here on The Stream each month and discover some great books to empower you in modern America.
This month I am reviewing and strongly encouraging you all to read The Political Seduction of the Church by Dr. Michael L. Brown.
I can hear the gasps by many. Go ahead — let it out!
You may be asking, why is the woman who is mobilizing the Church to pray, vote, and engage through Christians Engaged reading and reviewing a book on the political seduction of the Church?
Let me answer that quickly and directly.
Because the political seduction of the Church is a very real threat to the Body of Christ.
It is happening. Just look at the unbiblical fruit that it has produced in the lives of many.
There is a very fine line between the call of the Church to PRAY for our nation and our elected officials, to VOTE our biblical values in every election, and to ENGAGE in our civic duties — and some of the political frenzy and division that we are witnessing within the Body of Christ today.
Not Politically Complacent, Yet Not Politically Seduced
Are we able to break complacency off the Church to get involved in our communities and to regularly participate in the process through voting and political engagement without going down the deceptive road of political seduction? I believe we can.
I am united with Dr. Brown in his hope that we might learn some lessons from the Church’s interactions in politics from 2016 and 2020, but many days I wake up and think that those hopes are but a pipe dream.
When I was growing up, I sat under a lot of Bible teaching from Dudley Hall — a dear friend to James Robison, the founder and publisher of The Stream. When I was 16 years old, Dudley said something from the pulpit that I have never forgotten. I am paraphrasing from my memory, but this is the essence of what he said, “Truth and deception live side by side. A little bit off the road to the right or left can lead to deception and then ultimately to heresy.” Dudley got my attention as a young person, putting the fear of God in me, as I desired at a young age to teach and preach the Word of God.
My lifelong prayer has been — God, please help me to never turn truth into deception. Help me by Your grace to always teach the whole counsel of God and to keep the beautiful Bride’s eyes on YOU. May I be a servant who takes my political resume and expertise to serve the awakening Church and help them to engage rightly in the processes.
Using Political Experience to Serve the Awakening Church
I want to share my story — Jesus and Politics — of walking in intimacy with Jesus in politics far and wide to help other believers who are struggling to keep their hearts in a right posture while living in the middle of a hostile culture.
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One reason we should receive this message from Dr. Brown of all people is that he really believes in the importance of the Church’s engagement in the political realm. Read his articles here at The Stream or listen to his radio show. He is a true believer in engagement in politics, government, and standing boldly for truth in our culture.
We are Called to Change the World, but How?
He wrote in the preface to this important book:
Do I believe that Christians should be involved in politics? Absolutely. Do I prefer the politics of one main political party over those of the other main party? Definitely … But to the extent we confuse the gospel with the politics or identify one party as ‘God’s party’ or seek to advance the goals of the gospel largely through politics, to that extent we will fail. That’s why I have written this book …
It is the purpose of this book to get to the root of this deception and confusion … to paint a picture of the healthy intersection of the gospel and politics, and to show us a biblically based way forward … I also write as someone who has deep concerns about the radical leftist agenda and who has very little trust in much of the secular media … I write as an unashamed, Bible-believing, follower of Jesus … who believes that … the church should be changing the world rather than the world changing the church. The simple question is, how are we called to bring about this change?
In this book — The Political Seduction of the Church, Dr. Brown chronicles how our genuine desire to promote biblical values on the issues of the sanctity of life, justice, or economics can sometimes lead to imbalances related to how we interact with elected officials — including elevating them as infallible heroes, embracing the cause of a political party above our allegiance to Jesus, or putting our hope in political systems alone to save America. These imbalances many times lead to us engaging with our political “enemies” in anger and fear and becoming meanspirited in a world that we are called to be influencing for Christ.
Partisan Prayers, Partisan Prophesies
He writes about how our prayers can become partisan, which begins by turning away from the scriptures as our guide, and oftentimes results in the unbiblical act of indirectly praying curses on individuals and their families. It is one thing to see a wicked agenda and to pray for God to move in a situation. It is another thing to pray for judgment upon another human being, instead of God’s will that He might “grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth.” (2 Timothy 2:25).
What happens when key ministry leaders begin prophesying their own desires — “mistaking their thoughts for God’s thoughts and their words for God’s words” as Dr. Brown comments?
How should the Christians respond to national ministries where there was no repentance or accountability after false predictions were made?
How do those of us who believe in the gifts of the Spirit, but see a trail of confusion and destruction in church communities around the world from “words” spoken in 2020, respond?
As Dr. Brown says, “as we speak of political involvement and activism, we must be mindful that our problems are not political or cultural, but spiritual.”
How are we to respond to those voices who continue to yield to the seduction and the pressure of “Tell us what is coming next” instead of stopping and waiting on God?
How has the seduction of national influence ensnared the hearts of some nationally known ministers, who would rather be seated “at the table of power” than shepherd the people of God during these turbulent times in our nation?
Have we compromised by making endorsements which violate our consciences so when that politician is in power, we have power?
Political Power is Seductive
Having been in government for over sixteen years, I have seen and experienced many things, and I can see this seduction coming a mile away as we interact as people of faith in our counties, state, and federal governments and politics.
What is the difference between our call to influence society by being “salt and light” as Christ followers and the deceptive worldview of Dominionism?
As Dr. Brown says, “as we speak of political involvement and activism, we must be mindful that our problems are not political or cultural, but spiritual.” The whole world will not be Christians when Jesus returns. Entire systems will not be taken over by believers.
Worth Your Time
In one of the most important chapters in this book — “Is the Church called to Take Over Society?” — Dr. Brown lays out the biblical truth that we, as Christians must understand, so we are not led astray into false teaching. James Robison asked the editors of The Stream to publish the whole chapter and they did. Read this whole chapter as a starting place.
Have we, as the Body of Christ been ensnared by political seduction, and how do we find our way back into true biblical engagement for the sake of our cities, states and nation?
How do we pray, discern, teach, and motivate the Body of Christ in this next season as leaders?
As we approach 2024, what lessons can we learn from our journeys through 2016 and 2020?
I will submit to you that reading Dr. Michael Brown’s book — The Political Seduction of the Church is a worthy use of your time. It is imperative for us as believers to find the right balance in these worlds.
We must be prepared for the next season so we can pray, vote and engage effectively.
Grab it via his website AskDrBrown.org or Amazon today.
Bunni Pounds is president and founder of Christians Engaged — a ministry activating the Body of Christ to pray, vote, and engage regularly. Her book — Jesus and Politics: One Woman’s Walk with God in a Mudslinging Profession comes out nationally on Feb. 6 and is available for pre-order. Watch Bunni on her podcast “Conversations With Christians Engaged,” here on The Stream each week and connect with her on Facebook @bunnipoundsTX, on X @bunnipounds, and on Instagram @bunnipounds.