#Brussels: Conservatives Bash Obama for Calling Global Warming the Biggest Security Threat

By Michael Bastasch Published on March 25, 2016

Conservatives shocked by the terror attacks in Brussels, Belgium Tuesday have taken to Twitter to bash President Barack Obama and other prominent Democrats for saying global warming, not terrorism, is the U.S.’s biggest national security threat.



The Obama administration has been heavily criticized in the last year or so for stepping up rhetoric surrounding man-made global warming, in particular the claim that warming “poses immediate risks to our national security.”

Secretary of State John Kerry even blamed global warming, at least in part, for the Syrian civil war, the refugee crisis and the rise of the Islamic State.

“It is not a coincidence that immediately prior to the civil war in Syria, the country experienced the worst drought on record,” Kerry said in an October speech. “Now, I’m not telling you that the crisis in Syria was caused by climate change,” but it “clearly made a bad situation a lot worse.”

Democratic presidential candidate Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders made similar claims linking global warming to terrorism.

“In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism and if we do not get our act together and listen to what the scientists say, you’re going to see countries all over the world,” Sanders said.

“This is what the CIA says,” Sanders said. “They’re going to be struggling over limited amounts of water, limited amounts of land to grow their crops and you’re going to see all kinds of international conflict. But, of course, international terrorism is a major issue that we have got to address today.”

Now, conservatives with Twitter accounts are throwing these remarks back in their faces.


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