Brokenness Will Come

Several years ago, I shared a message God burned into my heart. I titled it “We Have a Choice: Humility or Humiliation.” What I shared is truth. We will either bow before God or be broken before God. We will come to Him in humility as individuals, the Church, and a nation, or we will witness humiliation.
In light of the challenges we face today, two paragraphs from that message jump out:
Many have made such an idol of economic gain and material possessions, I am not certain brokenness will come apart from the collapse of our economy and loss of treasured possessions. Selfish indulgences, revealed through sexual excesses and perversion, are promoted and defended as perfectly acceptable and normal. This attitude must be changed from within, and its effect will be visibly manifested in the lives and practices of our general population…
We must have God’s power and protection in order to miss our enemies’ plans for us. Without this divine miracle, unparalleled, indescribable devastation is coming to our shores — truly “the sum of all fears.”
This remains a word for this present moment. We have reached a point in America where the collapse of our economic systems may not come from the actions of an outside enemy. There is a very real enemy within our midst. It is an insidious worldview that blames the possibility of productivity and prosperity as the problem, rather than recognizing the idolatrous heart of many who have been given responsibility for the stewardship and oversight of the free market and the fertile field of opportunity.
Seeking Mercy
Jesus taught all who follow Him to pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth (in us and through us) as it is in heaven.” This means we can be the light that dispels the darkness and reveals the correct approach to best solve every problem and challenge we face, including those in the realm of economics.
Many of our nation’s leaders are groping in darkness. Jesus proclaimed that He is the light of the world and that we have been left here as light and salt. We are to join together in heart-harmony with God and holy unity with one another to become a light revealed as distinctly as a city set on a hill. If He told us to pray that His will would be done now. That means it’s possible. We can storm the gates of Hell and overcome!
Jesus sends us as sheep in the midst of wolves, but not to be slaughtered. We are to be sheep walking and living in the shadow of the Almighty, in the shelter of His wings and with the Great Shepherd guiding and illuminating our path. He says He will prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies. He will calm the troubled waters and lead us in green pastures. As children of light, we must diligently seek to lead our confused nation out of darkness.
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I don’t want us to get what we deserve. I cry out for mercy for me, my family, friends, and everyone — even those who have chosen to be our enemies. I don’t want anyone to perish but all to repent, just as the Bible emphasizes. This is the very desire of God’s heart.
A change of heart and direction must take place in this nation. Brokenness will lead to true character, determination, self-sacrifice, and a sincere desire to know and do what is right, regardless of the cost or sacrifice. The line distinguishing good from evil must become as distinct as the difference between light and darkness.
Falling on the Rock
I pray for a change of heart and direction, for true repentance to take place so that our nation receives the truth of God, begins to live with the character, strength, and faith that made America great in the first place, and allows selfless love to prevail rather than selfish indulgence.
Brokenness will come. Count on it. The Bible says God’s Word is a hammer; its power can break our stubborn will. His Word is a fire; it can purify us. His Word is water; it can cleanse. The choice is ours: Choose life, or choose the way that seems right to men and women — the fruit of which is death.
Abraham Lincoln said, “If destruction be our lot, we our self will be its author and finisher.” Our nation’s foolish decisions will affect generations. God, bring us to our knees and lead us back to sanity and truth! We must come to understand, that “[p]rosperity must be defined as life itself, rather than life’s possessions.” People must choose whom they will serve. We can eat the fruit of our own rebellious ways, or receive the liberating truth and life-changing love that God offers.
Only One Way Forward
Only right relationships with God will produce the necessary resolve to fight the right fight the right way in the right place at the right time. It is only through commitment to godly principles that we will have the character to make the sacrifices necessary to protect and preserve the truly priceless aspects of life. No political leader or party can be seen as our hope and security apart from the guidance of Divine Providence.
The only hope we have for peace, security and the divine enabling necessary to share Christ with a world in darkness is to experience another great spiritual awakening. If we fall before God in brokenness and humility, He is anxious to lift us up and establish our lives and future on the unshakable rock of His truth — truly His Kingdom revealed on Earth through the family of faith.
James Robison is founder and publisher of The Stream, as well as founder of LIFE Outreach International and cohost of LIFE Today. He’s the author of many books, including Indivisible (with Jay Richards) and Living Amazed and Fight the Good Fight: How an Alliance of Faith and Reason Can Win the Culture War.