Biden Makes 2nd Amendment Supporters Out to be Cop-Killers? DOJ Trying to Silence Whistleblowers as They Hunt Trump?

Thursday night, Joe Biden will stand before the nation and likely declare half the nation a threat to democracy. He’s already started. At the same time, Attorney General Merrick Garland is warning DOJ employees — meaning whistleblowers — not to talk to Congress without giving their bosses a heads-up.
Let Me Know You are a Whistleblower …
Yes. It’s true. As dozens of whistleblowers at this point are sharing with congressional Republicans testimony of political corruption at the FBI, Garland sent a memo warning staff not to come forward without going through the Office of Legislative Affairs first. It’s an old policy. But the timing of the memo is no accident. (It’s not like he sent out a memo reminding people to clean out the office refrigerators the last Friday of the month.)
Given the rush of whistleblowers, and the fact that one of their allegations is that conservatives and people who resisted the vax mandate are routinely punished, how can Garland’s reminder not be seen as a clear effort to shut people up? “Keep quiet … or else.”
At the same time, the increasingly Orwellian Department of Justice is fighting Trump’s efforts to have a special master appointed, who would look through the documents seized in DOJ’s (unconstitutional) general warrant to see what’s privileged. “Oh, we’ve already gone through it,” they’re telling the judge making that decision. “Besides,” they’re now throwing in, “we think Trump obstructed justice by hiding and removing documents.”
Trump’s Obstructing Our Effort to Frame Him!
Late Tuesday, the DOJ — i.e. the same DOJ that insisted Carter Page was a Russian spy when they knew he was a CIA asset assigned to get at Trump — said in a filing, they’d “developed evidence that government records were likely concealed and removed” from a storage locker in Mar-A-Lago and “efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government’s investigation.”
Remember, this is a “criminal investigation,” but not your usual investigation: There is no underlying criminal offense. It was initiated by a guy who just got booted from the FBI for deliberately quashing an investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop — which he did to help Joe Biden in the 2020 election. Fired for his political bias, as proven by his actions and witnessed by numerous underlings.
This comes after the Biden White House worked with the partisan now-former head of the National Archives to gin up a complaint to the DOJ in the first place… just like the Biden White House had worked with the National School Board Association to whip up allegations of “domestic terrrorism” against parents speaking up at school board meetings.
This is also after the Soviet-style J6 public hearings fell apart, a disaster for the Dems with fewer people believing Trump was to blame for J6 than before. Funny how it was within mere days of that failure that we get the sudden, inexplicable, unnecessary, dubious and likely unconstitutional invasion of Mar-A-Lago.
But yeah. Knock yourself out with the filings, DOJ. Talk about democracy under siege, Joe. The hearing over the special master is scheduled for Thursday. Biden’s speech is scheduled for Thursday night.
Biden’s Already Whipping Up the Demagoguery
We got a taste Tuesday night of what’s in store for Thursday night, and it’s not pretty. In fact, it’s downright dangerous.
Biden was in Pennsylvania pitching his “Safer America Plan.” After again railing against “MAGA Republicans” … again, 75 million of his country’s citizens … Biden went off on those trying to preserve the 2nd Amendment.
“And for those brave right wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping America, keeping Americas [sic] independent and safe,” the scowling Biden barked. “If you want to fight against the country, you need a F-15, you need something a little more than a gun.”
“No, I’m not joking. Think about this. Think about the rationale we use that’s used to provide this. And who are they shooting at? Shooting at these guys behind me.”
Kyle Becker at Trending Politics was rightly aghast.
This is dangerous hyperbole. Biden is accusing law-abiding Second Amendment supporters of being homicidal killers who are shooting at everyday Americans like the members of his audience.
It’s actually worse than that. Translating Biden — and his speech’s theme that it is he, not Republicans, who is trying to protect police and law enforcement — he was talking about the cops seated behind him. The President of the United States is saying law-abiding citizens who support the Second Amendment are cop-killers.
This after staying silent in 2020 when his party and supporters were waging an all-out, coast-to-coast war against law enforcement, with who-knows-how-many cops injured or dead. A war that continues, one might add. After dozens of Secret Service agents were injured resisting an effort to breach the White House. After his own Vice President and staffers funded an organization that sprang from those who’d torched a police station in Minneapolis … with cops inside.
But, no. The danger to law enforcement is citizens who believe in the Constitution. Who understand, as John Zmirak has been outlining in his crucial series on guns and liberty, that tyranny lies on the other end of a disarmed citizenry. Heck, people who just want to protect themselves and their family and maybe go hunting every once in a while.
They’re the threat. Takes your breath away, doesn’t it?
But We Are Not Without Hope
These are dangerous times. But not without hope. The despotic can rage. Their minions can silence truth speakers. But we are reminded from on high,
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, do not be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.