Bernie Sanders’ Supporters Face Threats Over Their Lawsuit Against the DNC, Cite Seth Rich Murder
Attorneys for the plaintiffs unsuccessfully asked the court for a protective order, citing the murder of Seth Rich and other incidents as reasons to be concerned for their safety.
The Democratic National Committee has tried to shut down investigations into the mysterious death of former DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was suspected of leaking DNC emails to Wikileaks. They have labeled questions into his death a “right-wing conspiracy.” In retaliation for his discussing the topic, they convinced some of conservative talk show host Sean Hannity’s advertisers to pull their ads from his show.
But it’s not just the right looking into the suspicious death.
Strange Bedfellows
This makes for some strange bedfellows. Antifa USA promotes violence against conservatives. They also praised a lawyer who filed a lawsuit against the DNC on behalf of Bernie Sanders’ supporters.
They filed the class-action lawsuit after the leaked DNC emails showed that the DNC was slanting the election to favor Hillary Clinton. Many suspect that Rich, a Sanders’ supporter, leaked the emails because he wanted to expose the fraud. The suit was filed on July 13, 2016, just three days after Rich was murdered. It accused the DNC of fraud and other legal violations. The plaintiffs are asking for damages, including punitive and compensatory.
The actual complaint doesn’t allude to Rich. Instead, it alleges that Russian hackers accessed the DNC’s emails and posted them on the website of shadowy figure Guccifer 2.0. He is rumored to be Russian.
On June 13, plaintiffs’ attorneys filed a motion requesting a protective order for the plaintiffs, their families and any potential witnesses. In support of the motion, they cited:
1) The untimely death of their process server, Sean Lucas
2) Rich’s unsolved murder
3) The recent untimely death of federal prosecutor Beranton Whisenant, Jr., in south Florida
4) Recent bizarre and disturbing conduct, including threats directed at the plaintiffs, their counsel and employees.
‘Bizarre and Disturbing Conduct’
The fourth category includes several disturbing actions. Florida resident Carol Wilding, a secretary in the Beck & Lee law firm representing the plaintiffs, said someone called the firm with a voice-masking device. She also reported that an unknown woman paid a strange visit to her mother’s home. The woman asked her mother if she was around, and left a DNC vote-by-mail application. The stranger did not visit any other homes in the vicinity.
On June 1, the plaintiffs’ attorneys filed a notice with the court about the call Wilding received. The caller used a voice changer and asked her about the firm’s lawsuit against the DNC. The firm took a screenshot of the caller ID, which showed “305-936-5724.” An internet search of the number traced it to Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s congressional district office in Florida.
Schultz was the head of the DNC at the height of the scandal. She denies the call came from her office. She said she has turned the matter over to the police to investigate.
Anonymous caller: “This is bigger than you and your family and your law partners.”
Attorney Cullin O’Brien, who is also representing the plaintiffs, said he received received three telephone calls from a “No Caller ID” number. The caller identified himself as “Chris.” He inquired if O’Brien was working on the “DNC fraud lawsuit.” When O’Brien asked him to put this in writing, the caller hung up.
The second call appeared to be from the same caller. He said, “This is bigger than you and your family and your law partners.” He referenced the news of the recent mysterious death of Assistant U.S. Attorney Whisenant. Whisenant was allegedly looking into Wasserman Schultz. O’Brien again asked the caller to put his message in writing. The caller responded in part, “I’ll play the law firms off of each other.”
O’Brien hung up, but the caller called back again. O’Brien didn’t pick up the phone. The caller left a nearly four-minute-long message. It is included in the suit as a sealed exhibit. O’Brien also said he received 11 emails from the caller. They are included in another sealed exhibit.
Plaintiff Angela Monson says she returned home recently to discover that her computer had been tampered with and was no longer working. Finally, the motion referenced the death of Rich and the mysterious death of their process server, Shawn Lucas, who served the DNC with notice of the lawsuit. The DNC has been trying to get the lawsuit dropped for improper service, and Lucas is no longer available to testify and refute this.
Motion Denied
The judge denied the motion on June 15, citing the defendants’ denial of the charges.
Two of the plaintiffs’ attorneys, husband-wife team Jared and Elizabeth Beck, often tweet about the lawsuit. On May 27, Beck tweeted that he feared for his life.
Left-Wing Conspiracy Theory?
Rich was the DNC’s Voter Expansion Data Director. One of his duties was developing an app to help voters locate polling stations. In one video, he can be seen asking officials about votes that aren’t counted. He asks, “How do we get better access to data that tell us why ballots were rejected, why ballots were cast as provisional …?”
While Sanders’ supporters may be be proved wrong on some or all of their theories, their questioning of these circumstances shows everything cannot be written off as a “right-wing conspiracy.”
For updated information on the class action lawsuit against the DNC, follow DNCFraudLawsuit on Twitter. For comprehensive updates on the mysterious death of Seth Rich, visit Follow Rachel on Twitter at Rach_IC.