Before You Decide to Hate Me
Take five minutes to listen to what I actually think and, more importantly, why I believe it.
CNN has shamefully chosen to revive the Southern Poverty Law Center’s wretched map purporting to give the names and locations of hate groups around the country. The problem is, now ranking right up there with the KKK and the Nazi’s, according to SPLC, is anyone who is considered “anti-LGBT.”
Which must mean anyone who isn’t waving a rainbow flag with gusto. I guess that’d be me.
But before you decide to hate me, take five minutes to listen to what I actually think and, more importantly, why I believe it.
I don’t oppose same-sex “marriage” because I hate gay people. Rather, I believe in the conjugal meaning of marriage.
You may see marriage as simply an agreement between any two (or three, or four…) people; a romantic contract. Perhaps you think the commitment of love is all that matters. But marriage is much more than that.
I believe in the ontological nature of marriage as something that simply cannot be changed, for once it is changed, it is no longer marriage. Marriage simply can’t exist without the conjugal union of man and woman. The two become one in a literal, physical way, which makes visible an invisible reality. “They are no longer two, but one flesh.” (Matthew 19:6)
The truth about marriage cannot be erased just to accommodate the romantic ideas or feelings of this or that group of people.
I’m Not Interested in the Wants of the Adults
Further — and this is critically important — marriage is about children. I’m not interested in the wants of adults. I’m interested in what children need, and what we are obligated to give them.
Children are the natural, intended fruit of marriage. Our obsession with contraception has caused us to forget that. We’ve come to see children as an unfortunate side effect of our sexual exploits; something we should avoid at all costs. We see them as an accessory we can add to our lives at the time and place of our choosing. Or we seem them as a commodity we can purchase and manufacture in any way necessary.
I’m really not all that interested in adults’ wants. I’m interested in what children need.
Children need mother and father. Neither is expendable or replaceable. Two “moms” or two “dads” is not an adequate substitution. That placates the adults, and validates their sexual preferences, but it robs the children of what they genuinely need and have every right to expect. It serves the adults. It is an abusive deprivation for the children.
In addition, our no-fault divorce culture has caused unspeakable harm to generations of children who’ve seen their families torn apart, their lives left in chaos. They bear unseen emotional wounds they dare not admit to, because the motto is, “The kids will be just fine,” as long as Mom and Dad are happy.
No, I can’t survey the wasteland of the family and applaud the move to ruin marriage itself. That will only destroy the family unit even further.
Not Anti-Any Person — Just Anti-Madness
I resist the “LGBT” ideology, yes, but not because I am “phobic” or hateful. Well, I do hate the demonic delusion that humans come in an endless variety of sexualities and genders. It is the most harmful lie the human mind has ever surrendered to. The proof is that we are willing to allow our little children to be chemically and surgically butchered in order to satisfy it.
Supposedly reasonable adults have swallowed the irrational fantasy that a man can become a woman. They believe a man can become pregnant and give birth. They think a pre-schooler must be taught his penis need not make him male if he really wants to be a girl instead. We are bewitched by pure madness.
I still believe in objective reality. I still believe that our physical bodies are not irrelevant to who we are, but rather, our bodies tell us who we are. God has created the human person male and female. That’s it.
If there’s no rational order expected within an individual person, how can we possibly have order within society at large?
Sex is a biological, physical reality; gender is the social expression of that reality. There is no such thing as a male woman or a female man. Nor any of the other dozens of invented, absurd gender assignments that are now to be embraced under penalty of law.
This new sexual devolution is built around chaos and nonsense. Its central tenet is that the human body is meaningless and sex is malleable according to ever-changing feelings. Nothing is objectively real or constant. There is only disorder and confusion.
If there’s no rational order expected within an individual person, how can we possibly have order within society at large?
I Believe in Order, Purpose, Innocence, and Reality
I believe in the beauty of the human person, male and female, created purposefully for each other. I believe the differences between male and female, as designed by God, are good, healthy, and necessary. I believe in the human family which has its only solid foundation in the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman for life, for the benefit of their children. I believe in the needs and rights of children.
I believe in the sexual complementarity of male and female and the mystical truth it reveals. I believe in the purpose of human sexuality as ordered toward procreation, properly expressed in the security and sanctity of marriage.
Sexual acts that are contrary to the obvious purpose of human sexuality are wrongly ordered — they are disordered — thus, they are not part of God’s plan for the human family. God does not create disorder.
I believe in preserving the purity of our children, and the need to fiercely protect their latency period. Instead, the “LGBT” agenda insists that even our toddlers must be indoctrinated into the sexual madness. That is heinous and abusive.
I will call shame on every adult who would suggest to the mind of a child that she should question her sexual identity, ignoring the reality of her physical body; and persuade little ones that they might not be who they think they are. In fact, I can’t think of a more hateful way to treat a child.
The “LGBT” ideology is physically and morally incoherent and destructive. It isn’t hateful to oppose what is irrational. Love for the human person demands it.