William M Briggs < Back to Voices

William M. Briggs is a Senior Contributor to The Stream. Author of Uncertainty, he is a writer, philosopher, and itinerant scientist living on a small but densely populated island in the Atlantic Ocean. He earned his Ph.D. from Cornell University in statistics. He studies the philosophy of science, the use and misuses of uncertainty, the corruption of science, and the uselessness of most predictions. He began life as a cryptologist for the Air Force, slipped into weather and climate forecasting, and matured into an epistemologist. He maintains an active and lively blog at wmbriggs.com.

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Opinion, Human Life, Medicine | 7 years ago

Abortion Supporters Believe In Magic

Ireland has a Minister for Children named Katherine Zappone.  She supports abortion.  She was asked recently about the “inherent contradiction” between her support and her position as Minister for Children. She responded, “I believe that the fetus holds the potential for human…

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