Marissa Hays < Back to Voices

Marissa is perpetually passionate about pointing hearts to the regenerating, restoring, and revolutionary love of God found in Jesus Christ! With a knack for identifying and encouraging the God-given gifts and strengths in others, Marissa longs to use her voice to speak life into every story and situation. Whether wrangling their full-of-life toddler or cuddling their full-of-snacks pug, Marissa and her husband strive to seek beauty in the everyday and believe wholeheartedly that the best is yet to come for their growing family! Connect with Marissa at

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More by Marissa Hays

Religion | 2 years ago

A Life Worthy of the Holy Calling

Over the years, I have often believed I was being called into “full-time ministry.” I remember walking around a breathtaking church campus in California in 2015 after my job interview there. I wept because I was overwhelmed by the wonderful…

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