Known for her ability to synthesize major news events and ordinary life happenings into a unique perspective that rings with authenticity, Jackie Gingrich Cushman connects with her audience through both hearts and minds.
Cushman is passionate about improving the world her two children will inherit and endeavors to inspire others to learn, love and live their lives successfully.
As a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate, Jackie presents an authentic, bold, conservative view that extracts simplicity from complexity, genuineness from aloofness, and presents true, vivid and comprehensive images of situations.
Jackie’s new book 5 Principles for a Successful Life: From our Family to Yours, (Crown Forum) was co-authored with her father, Newt Gingrich. Their book focuses on the principles that Jackie follows in her daily life: Dream Big, Work Hard, Learn Every Day, Enjoy Life and Be True to Yourself.