Dustin Siggins < Back to Voices

Dustin Siggins is a freelance journalist and political commentator who was an Associate Editor for The StreamHe previously served as the public relations officer and D.C. Correspondent for LifeSiteNews, and has been widely published on important issues of public policy and culture. Follow him on Twitter: @DustinSiggins

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Human Life, Film, Crime, Law | 7 years ago

Scarlett Johansson: An Avenger For Everyone But The Unborn

Natasha Romanova is an assassin and hand-to-hand combatant. Scarlett Johansson plays her in the Avengers movies. Johansson is a spokesperson for the #TimesUp and #MeToo movements. Alas, Johansson’s desire to avenge sexual-based injustice is limited. As Live Action’s newest video shows, she and…

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