Douglas LeBlanc covered religion for the Morning Advocate in Baton Rouge, edited a magazine for Compassion International, and worked as an associate editor of Christianity Today and a senior editor of The Living Church. He’s also written media criticism for Get Religion.
He’s written Tithing: Test Me in This (Thomas Nelson, 2010). Real Clear Religion interviewed him about the book here.
He is thankful for “having, by God’s grace, experienced the Church through its different streams”: “During my childhood, my family attended St. Luke’s Church in Baton Rouge. There I learned a reverence for God in several years of serving as an acolyte. Through the charismatic renewal of the 1970s, the Lord brought the Gospel alive in our family. During my college years, I came to understand myself as an Evangelical through InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.”
Douglas is now director of communications at St. Christopher Camp & Conference Center in Johns Island, South Carolina. He and his wife attend St. John’s Parish Church on Johns Island.