Are Sexual Sinners Just ‘Born That Way’?
Scientists have not been able to locate a gay gene. The fact that many people leave the LGBT+ lifestyle also proves that homosexuality is not an innate, in-born characteristic, as the gay lobby so often claims.
Dr. Morse and Fr. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., discuss this and more, including the injustice of therapy bans for unwanted same-sex attraction, in this second part of the Dr. J Show.
Watch the full episode with our Locals community. Or, watch the first half on YouTube, Rumble, or Bitchute.
If you missed part one, “What about people who want to change orientation?“ find the start of it on YouTube, and the entirety on Locals.
The Ohio Abortion Amendment and What it Means
In a tragic but not unexpected win last week, Ohio voters passed Proposition 1, which enshrines a right to abortion in the Ohio State Constitution.
“I’m honestly heartbroken,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., “but ultimately, I’m not surprised. It was hard to imagine a scenario where the ruling class would allow the people of Ohio to win in this election.”
“In order to assuage voters’ fears about the negative consequences of this amendment, the Sexual Revolutionaries had to go into overdrive. There was too much riding on the line for them: a win in a red state, providing legal protections for abortion, and including transgender privilege. It was an unholy trifecta.”
“Winning in a red state is a major coup for such a left-wing position. Not only do they despise the rest of us in flyover country, (and anyone who disagrees with them on the coasts) they also want to brow beat us into thinking that everyone is against us and there is no hope,” Morse said.
“They falsely suggested that all Prop 1 did was restore the pre-Dobbs status quo. They knew this to be false. They knew that Prop 1 would sweep away parental notification and other pro-life legislation that the people enacted through their elected representatives.”
“These radicals also included transgender privilege in this bill. Not that you’d know that from their descriptions of it, because every time they were challenged on that point, they would evade, obscure the facts, and straight up lie. These people can’t handle the truth.”
“Now we can expect the ruling class to wrap themselves in the mantle of moral superiority and claim that the people have spoken. It’s true, the people did speak, but only after they were lied to and had their good intentions weaponized against them.”
“This exposes the reality of the Sexual State: it is built and maintained on lies and can only continue to exist by force. If there’s one the ruling class cannot tolerate, it is the truth. Clearly the Sexual State is an illegitimate regime.”
Does Same-Sex Parenting Harm Kids?
“Sociologist Paul Sullins’s Research Shows that Growing up with Same-Sex Parents has Several Negative Consequences for Children.”
By Jakub Lipták November 6, 2023
Donald Paul Sullins is a sociologist and statistical researcher who worked for twenty years at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He is engaged in sociological research and serves as a priest. As a married Episcopal pastor and father of a family, he converted to the Catholic faith.
He visited Bratislava, Slovakia, at the invitation of the Ladislav Hanus Institute and gave a lecture on Dispelling Woke Myths about Sex as part of the Conservative Forum format.
In the interview he discusses what are the main differences between opposite-sex and same-sex relationships, how it affects children when they have same-sex parents or whether it is true that homosexuality is innate and unchangeable.
We also talked about what may be behind the sharp rise in transsexual self-identification or whether paedophilia is really behind the sex scandals in the Catholic Church.
Paul Sullins’ presentation and the research studies cited in it can be found in full at this link. They are free to share.
What are the main differences between opposite-sex and same-sex relationships?
U.K. Counseling Organization Takes Correct Stance on Therapy Bans
“This is highly encouraging,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., referring to a recent statement by the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) acknowledging that talk therapy is not coercive and that therapists are fully entitled to believe that children with gender dysphoria should not be medicalized.
“Faulty studies and false testimonies about so-called ‘conversion therapy’ have done a lot of damage,” Morse continued.
A commonly cited study by Blosnich, et al, purported to prove that talk therapy led to suicide. Ruth Institute Research Associate Fr. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., challenged those claims, using the study’s own data. His reanalysis showed that therapy often led to lower suicide rates, not higher.
“The thanks Fr. Sullins received for correcting false data, was being attacked by LGBT activists around the world. In fact, last week in Slovakia, where Fr. Sullins spoke on this topic, a last-minute venue change was needed due to protests.”
“Clearly, gender ideologists are getting nervous. They don’t like facing the inconvenient truth that therapy can help people. Given how Fr. Sullins was treated for honest research, it’s all the more impressive that the UKCP is openly stating their belief in the efficacy of talk therapy.”
In their ‘guidance concerning gender critical views,’ UKCP states: “Case law has confirmed that gender-critical beliefs (which include the belief that sex is biological and immutable, people cannot change their sex and sex is distinct from gender-identity) are protected under the Equality Act 2010. Individuals who hold such beliefs must therefore not be discriminated against.”
“In the U.S., where 27 states plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have banned talk therapy, this is a monumental statement,” Morse noted.
The UKCP goes on to say that psychotherapists and psychotherapeutics may believe that “the clinically most appropriate approach to working therapeutically with individuals who present with gender dysphoria, particularly children and young people, is exploratory therapy, rather than medicalised interventions such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or reassignment surgery.”
Further, “An important aspect of exploratory therapy is the ability to explore the fullest range of issues that may contribute to the person seeking help … Psychotherapists and psychotherapeutic counsellors are free to conduct their professional practice in this way.”
“If only more organizations were this logical,” Morse said. “But it got even better when the UKPC said, ‘This is in line with the UKCP’s values as an inclusive and pluralistic organization.’”
“Imagine that … using the term ‘inclusive’ accurately. In the U.S., inclusivity has come to mean everything that agrees with gender ideology. If you disagree, you’re excluded. Not only does disagreeing make you non-inclusive, you’re also a hateful bigoted transphobe.”
“The UKCP speaks uncommon good sense,” Morse said. “I can only hope that psychologists in the U.S. will take note. The Brits have it right: Gender identity is complex. Open, honest, non-judgmental therapy is what’s best for the patient. Therefore, therapy bans the world over should be reversed.”
“If others in the therapeutic profession truly care for people, not ideology, they will follow suit. Individuals who want non-biased counseling should be allowed it. The alternative has been children and young adults being pushed into gender-transitioning to their serious mental and physical detriment.”
“The now-outspoken Chloe Cole, whom I interviewed on the Dr. J Show, and several others, are suing their doctors for their manipulative and misleading transitioning practice. How many lawsuits need to occur before doctors realize their methods are no longer worth it? They may need to consider returning to therapy that first does no harm, and actually helps people.”
“The UK has woken up to reality. It’s time the U.S. did too.”
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. The Ruth Institute’s Founder and President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village. Subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel to get all our latest news.