Are Good, Well-Meaning People ‘Aiding and Abetting the Enemy’?

Most of us are familiar with the sentiment, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Since the Biden Administration slithered into power back in January 2021, it seems that our wide open southern border has been putting that statement to the test.
My friend Stuart is a volunteer preacher and server at a large homeless ministry here in New York City. There are many such organizations helping the poor and destitute throughout Manhattan and the other boroughs and, in the past, they have had their hands full providing food, shelter and clothing for the destitute of our great metropolis.
Will we have a country come November 5, 2024, or will we not?
Recently, Stuart sent me a text complaining that someone down in Texas had sent a few busloads of migrants straight to the doorstep of the homeless ministry where he serves. He described the act as “venal” and intentional; basically, believing strongly that someone down in Texas had it in for Christians and do-gooders in the overwhelmingly far-left city of Manhattan and wanted to stick them personally with the border crisis.
But I offered Stuart a different perspective.
I said, “Stuart, which of these two scenarios is more likely: The bus drivers in Texas were given the address of your ministry? Or, the buses were all sent to Port Authority at 42nd Street and 8th Avenue and from there they were directed to your ministry?”
Being a reasonable person, Stuart had to agree that the second scenario was the one most likely.
The End Game is Obvious: Divide and Conquer
A day after this discussion, Stuart invited me to join him at the mission to help out, as I had done a number of times before. He mentioned that the crowds, which in the past were reasonably manageable, had tripled in size and, along with the increase, so were the scuffles and anger and jostling in the long lines of those waiting for service.
I let Stuart know that I would consider coming in for the lunch ministry when my schedule permitted, but in truth I did not want to just jump in at the first opportunity. After careful consideration I debated whether I should say to Stuart, “I don’t want to volunteer to serve food and give out clothing because I feel I would be aiding and abetting the enemy.”
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Now, I would expect that Stuart’s immediate response, as a Christian and genuinely good-hearted fellow, might be something like, “These people are not our enemy — we need to show them compassion!”
And I would respond, “You don’t understand. The enemy that I would be aiding and abetting is Joe Biden and the far-left Democrat Party.”
Biden and his not-so-merry band of open-border rabble-rousers want to use the crisis they created to continue stirring the pot of frustration and desperation among American citizens. The fact that the country is now divided by states that support closing the border — and have put their National Guard troops and truckers where their mouths are — and those who desire a violent confrontation between the federal and state governments, makes the end-game obvious: divide and conquer.
An Interesting Juxtaposition. Set Up?
When you see the footage of thousands of illegal aliens pouring through the southern border and juxtaposition those images with the Capitol police swinging wide the aluminum gates on January 6, 2021, might you not think …”set up”?
As I point out in my book, Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It, on January 6, patriots gathered in Washington to protest — and not because they thought the 2020 presidential election was stolen. They gathered in D.C. because they knew the election was stolen. They were protesting the actual insurrection that transpired over several days the previous November — November 3, 4, 5 and 6.
The playbook now seems to be similar. Open the gates at our southern border and use the influx of millions of foreigners to keep the 2020 insurrection intact. With enough disruption manufactured by the border chaos, the presidential election of 2024 can again be manipulated by the left and Deep State. The globalists who are ultimately behind all of this are masters of smoke-and-mirror theatrics and the grand finale, so far, is unfortunately following their game plan and falling right into place.
The Left’s Grand Finale is Falling Into Place
Will we have a country come November 5, 2024, or will we not?
President Donald Trump has been emphasizing two very important and obvious facts on the primary campaign trail: If you don’t have a border and you don’t have secure elections, you don’t have a country.
What can good, well-meaning citizens do?
Your conscience should be your guide in helping those pouring into this country who are genuinely desperate for a better life. However, don’t expect those on the far-left who champion open borders to open a spare bedroom in their homes to house a migrant or two or 10.
And another extremely important thing to bear in mind: We will need more than just good intentions to keep us from the hell that might very well be coming.
Albin Sadar is author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It, as well as the children’s book collection Hamster Holmes: Box of Mysteries.