Anne Graham Lotz to Begin Chemo Following Surgery
“I’m at peace with joy and expectancy that this is a journey He wants me on. I love following the Shepherd!”
Evangelist and author Anne Graham Lotz announced on her website that she will begin 18 weeks of chemotherapy on Oct. 18. She will also undergo additional treatments for the next year. This news comes from her one-week check-up after breast cancer surgery.
Lotz, daughter of Billy and Ruth Graham, underwent breast cancer surgery on Sept. 18. The next day she posted on her Instagram account, “I’m at peace with joy and expectancy that this is a journey He wants me on. I love following the Shepherd!”
During her one-week check-up following surgery, her surgeon revealed that “a trace of cancer was found in the lymph nodes which alters follow-up treatment significantly,” Lotz wrote on her website. “The adventurous journey through the valley of the shadow will be longer than anticipated. BUT I am still confident the Shepherd will walk with me each step of the way until He sees me safely through!”
Pruning and Fruitfulness
Lotz said the most difficult thing she faced now was clearing her schedule and canceling commitments for the next year so she can take cancer treatments. “As I looked ahead at the calendar, I could almost audibly hear the ‘click’ of the Divine pruning shears,” she wrote.
In a follow-up post Wednesday Lotz wrote that one of her prayers has been that her ministry would continue uninterrupted. She quoted 2 Timothy 2:9 with her own insertion: “Wherein I suffer trouble… even unto bonds (such as chemo infusions that will keep me tethered); but the word of God is not bound.”
Lotz rejoiced that God quickly provided her with messages from two people about the reach and impact of her ministry, answering her prayer “almost before I’d finished praying.”
Pray for Anne Graham Lotz. In her website posts Lotz asked for prayer for her healing, that she will gain what God wants her to gain from her experience with cancer and that God will “breathe His life” into her ministry’s media and resources “so that in these last moments of the last days, He will use us to draw people into His Word that they might know Him better.”