Al’s Afternoon Tea: Just How Deeply Was CIA Involved in Undercutting 2020 Election?

By Al Perrotta Published on June 26, 2024

Welcome back in for Al’s Afternoon Tea! You might want to pour this one over ice, because things are getting hot and heavy.

We’re facing huge, historic Supreme Court decisions, a presidential debate like no other, and the possibility that Donald Trump may announce his choice of running mate this week. Plus, whatever other surprises the world has in store.

However, it’s no surprise what the U.S. House of Representatives uncovered about the CIA and the 2020 election.

At Least Two of the 51 β€œFormer” Intel Officials Who Claimed Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was a Russian Hoax Were Active CIA Contractors 

If it walks like a coup, talks like a coup, and has the effect of a coup, at what point do we get to call it a coup and act accordingly?

Yesterday, the House Judicial Committee released a shocking discovery. According to internal CIA documents, at least two of the 51 β€œformer” top intelligence officials who used their titles to claim Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation were active CIA contractors at the time — including ringleader Mike Morell. Morell gathered the traitorous 51 at the behest of Joe Biden’s advisor Antony Blinken, who was rewarded for helping fix the election by being named Secretary of State.

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CIA contractors weren’t the only ones actively involved in sabotaging the 2020 election, though. Top CIA officials, including Gina Haspel, who was the director at that time, signed the documents.

Let’s put it plainly. The CIA was actively involved in undermining the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

You can read the House Judiciary Committee’s report for yourself. But don’t expect CNN to bring it up at tomorrow’s presidential debate. Moderator Dana Bash’s ex-husband, Jeremy Bash, is one of the 51 intel officials who was involved.

Since we’re talking about election interference, here’s some news from Pennsylvania.

Biden-Affiliated PAC Airs Ad Falsely Claiming Trump Doesn’t Want Supporters to Use Mail-in Ballots This Round

A Biden-affiliated PAC ran an ad in the battleground state of Pennsylvania designed to depress the mail-in vote for Donald Trump. While (rightfully) suspicious of mail-in balloting, Trump and the RNC have been pushing supporters to fill out mail-in ballots this election cycle.

The Trump campaign has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Pennsylvania Values PAC and will be seeking a criminal investigation into this blatant effort to suppress voters.

Remember, a prankster named Douglass Mackey who posted fake ads in 2016 suggesting Hillary Clinton supporters could vote by text was convicted and sentenced to seven months in prison last year. Will the Department of Justice file similar charges against a powerful Democratic PAC as they did a random social media troll? I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Sound the Alarm! Squad Member Jamaal Bowman Defeated in Primary

Two days after a profanity-laced, Israel-bashing rally, Squad Member Jamaal Bowman was soundly defeated in his New York Democratic primary Tuesday night by challenger George Latimer. Bowman, who gained national fame by setting off a fire alarm in the Capitol building to delay an important vote, was defeated, in good part, because of his hostility to Jews. Bowman had taken to denying many of the atrocities committed by Hamas in the October 7 terror attack, including the mass rapes and decapitations of children. He also refused to concede the attack was unprovoked.

Bowman is the first Squad member to lose a primary. 

This was supposedly the scene at his watch party.    

What, did he pull the fire alarm again and clear the building?

Open Border Blues: 50 Illegals Brought into US Via ISIS-Connected Smuggling Ring At Large

If losing track of 80,000 unaccompanied children brought into this country illegally isn’t disturbing enough, three officials Department of Homeland Security officials  told NBC News the feds also can’t account for 50 illegal immigrants brought into the United States by an ISIS-connected coyote ring.  

The ring is estimated to have smuggled in 400 illegal immigrants, including the eight men from Tajikistan with terrorist ties who were captured earlier this month in raids in Philadelphia, New York, and LA.

When I say “smuggled,” perhaps I should say β€œescorted,” because the 400 were stopped at the border, but then released into the U.S. by the Biden administration because they weren’t on any terrorist watch lists.

Orwell Has Nothing on These Folks: NBC News States Texas Abortion Ban Led to Increase in Infant and Newborn Deaths

Abortion, by definition, kills babies. That is the point. You’d think that would be a point of reality everyone could agree on and understand. Banning abortion, by definition, saves the lives of children.

Oh, no, says NBC News. They say, β€œA Texas law that banned early pregnancy abortions is associated with a stark increase in infant and newborn deaths.” Other media outlets are pushing the same idea: A ban on abortions leads to infant deaths. In essence, you have to kill babies to save babies.

The research they cite claims there was a 13% jump (representing nearly 10,000 children) in infant deaths in Texas in the year after the law took effect in 2021. The deaths, say the researchers, were largely from congenital defects.

NBC News is distorting the issue. Are they really claiming that the law that prevents you from killing your unborn child leads to more death? That’s nonsensical. If the ban was not in place, then those 10,000 likely would have been aborted.  So that’s a wash. However, this doesn’t count the children with congenital defects who were NOT aborted but have lived, let alone the children who lived because they weren’t terminated for reasons having nothing to with congenital defects. 

Here’s another clue we’re dealing as much with propaganda as we are science. According to Johns Hopkins researchers, infant deaths from congenital defects jumped 22.3% in the year after the ban took effect. However, infant deaths from accidents also jumped a nearly identical 21%.  Are we suggesting Texas’s pro-life law somehow led to an almost equal spike in fatal accidents?


On the Stream Menu

John Zmirak dropped his latest this morning, β€œOur Elites are Playing Russian Roulette in Ukraine, But the Gun Is to Your Head and Mine.”

Also up, Part Three of β€œHow They Stole the 2020 Election: Let My People Go, Explaining the Steal in Bite-Sized, Digestible Pieces.”  


Al Perrotta is The Stream’s Washington bureau chief, coauthor with John Zmirak of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration, and coauthor of the counterterrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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