After Alexandria Shooting, Christians Must Rescue America From Violence
There is no internal moral logic in Leftism that can rescue us from where it is leading.
This is the greatest challenge the Church faces today: The machinery of leftism has no brakes to stop itself.
Leftists run America’s centers of cultural influence. Hollywood. Universities. Mainstream media. Leftist leaders are drunk at the wheel, with innocent people in the back seats.
It’s our duty as Christians to wrestle the left away from the controls, before it drives us all off a cliff.
Leftism is a Cover-up Artist, and Christianity is a Whistleblower
Two weeks ago, a leftist opened fire on a gathering of Republicans, leaving pro-life Catholic Congressman Steve Scalise on death’s door. (He has since had several surgeries and is no longer in critical condition.)
The shooter was politically motivated.
He checked with bystanders ahead of time to make sure his targets were Republicans. His Facebook posts show that he hated Republicans and Christianity. He carried a “hit-list” of outspoken Christian targets.
After the incident, progressives are more eager to save face than to address the problem of the shooter’s ideology. This is how they tend to react to any atrocity linked to their policies and rhetoric: Cover up, ignore the damage, and continue down the same path.
The Secular Left Doesn’t Even Have an Argument Against Murder
When Democrats gave a standing ovation for the police officers who took out the Alexandria shooter, I asked, “Why? They just killed Che Guevara!” Or Martin McGuinness. Hugo Chavez. Fidel Castro. The left has publicly lauded any number of murderers.
On the very day of the attack, a Democratic strategist started the hashtag #HuntRepublicanCongressmen. When it went viral, I wasn’t appalled.
Here’s the thing. Many were unhinged enough to use the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion. This was after the industry took 50 million American lives. And #ShoutYourAbortion trended in the wake of David Daleiden’s Auschwitz-style exposé videos of Planned Parenthood staffers who mutilated human beings to harvest saleable body parts.
Americans are goodhearted but distractible people. It was the same American people that first tolerated racial bigotry and then demanded an end to it.
That hashtag wasn’t started by a lowly Democratic strategist. It was started by a prominent, tax-funded organization, whose CEO accompanied the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate on the campaign trail.
That candidate’s main Democratic opponent was a sometime atheist with real ties to Communism. That’s the ideology responsible for the killing of 100 million people in the 20th Century.
Of that candidate, the Alexandria shooter once wrote: “Bernie, You Lead, We Will Follow!”
With Great Ideas Comes Great Responsibility
Leftist ideas will do the most harm not to the well-heeled, but to vulnerable women, children, and minorities. The “least of these” whom Our Lord warned us to treat as Himself. (Matthew 25)
It’s one thing to complain that the left has no arguments against the evils of our time. It’s another to take responsibility for the fact that Christianity does have those arguments.
To quote the Catechism of the Catholic Church:
The natural law, present in the heart of each man and established by reason, is universal in its precepts and its authority extends to all men. It expresses the dignity of the person and determines the basis for his fundamental rights and duties …
The natural law, the Creator’s very good work, provides the solid foundation on which man can build the structure of moral rules to guide his choices. It also provides the indispensable moral foundation for building the human community.
Christians Have a Duty to Try to Rescue Our Neighbors
Already, speaking some truths can get you fired. Or socially ostracized. Or dragged into court. We never should have allowed this to become normal.
If you own a catering restaurant, a flower shop, or even a pizza parlor, all you need to do is publicly affirm that there are two sexes. That the only natural and true marriage is between a man and a woman.
If you work at a school, a hospital, or even a church, all you need to do is post on social media that the abortion industry is corrupt. Or perhaps complain about Jihadist violence.
Christians must start walking toward that fire. Speak the truth anyway, despite the cost.
Christians must start walking toward that fire. We must speak the truth anyway, despite the cost.
And then make a stink about it.
The first person who does this will likely lose more than he will gain. Same goes for the second person. And the third. And the fourth.
But at some point, outspoken Christians will ignite a national debate. And Americans will have to choose: Do we really want to live in a future where the left enforces a dangerous ideology throughout America with an ever-changing speech code?
Most Americans are goodhearted but easy to distract. It was the same American people that first tolerated racial bigotry and then demanded an end to it.
What makes all the difference is Christians like the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., who was willing to suffer. He sternly made the case that every human person should have a place at the lunch counter. He made that case by citing “the Creator’s very good work.” He insisted on the truths that make up “the indispensable moral foundation” of the “human community.”
If we ever hope to rescue America, Christians must do this again.