Alabama Planning to Restore ‘In God We Trust’ Motto in Public Schools
Officials in Alabama are seeking to restore the words “In God We Trust” in public schools, after state lawmakers passed a law back in February allowing the motto to be displayed on public property.
The phrase could soon could become mainstream again in Alabama schools, according to, but legal challenges are expected to follow.
The Blount County’s school board is said to be the first to take action and may end up creating a plan within 30 days to reintroduce the motto, reported.
“You would think that something that passes the Legislature won’t be challenged in the courtroom but we all know that it can and probably will,” said school Superintendent Rodney Green, according to Fox News. Green is in charge of a school system with over 7,800 students throughout 17 different schools.
Dean Young, chairman of the Ten Commandments political action committee, told his group hopes to push the ten commandments, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence into all schools so children can learn of their historical importance.
“My hope is they have the Ten Commandments in the schools all over the state of Alabama as well as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the historical documents that go with this country,” Young said. “That way, children will be able to see and ask, ‘What are these documents’ and a teacher can say, ‘Those are the Ten Commandments and they come from God and this is what they say.’”
“It’s a tsunami of Christian national laws in our country right now,” said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation. She took issue with the rise in religious culture and blamed congressional Republicans for allowing it to get this far.
“The upcoming election will say a lot about the direction of our nation,” she told “With the Republicans in charge of Congress and so many of these states, we are seeing a constant push for theocracy.”
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