Aid and Comfort: The Crime of Today’s Cohen Hearing
Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me House Democrats today are not giving “aid and comfort” to the enemy by showcasing convicted liar Michael Cohen, while President Trump is in Hanoi negotiating with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.
Unfortunately, I can reach no other conclusion.
Last night, Donald Trump, Jr. decried the Democrats’ “counter-programming” the Summit with this Cohen stunt. But it goes much further than that.
I know that for the media and Democrats, history only goes back as far as the latest Trump slam or AOC’s election, but the fact is we are in a state of war with North Korea. The only reason the guns and rockets aren’t being fired is because we signed a truce 65 years ago. Our soldiers still stand eyeball to eyeball with theirs across the Demilitarized Zone. Only a year ago we were one move away from a full confrontation that could have left millions dead. Only a year ago, terrified Hawaiians thought that moment had come. Those sirens and alerts still ring loud.
Today and tomorrow the President of the United States is holding meetings with North Korea’s leader. Denuclearization β in other words, an end to the catastrophic threat to the U.S., South Korea and Japan posed by North Korea’s nuclear program β is on the table. Peace is on the table. The stakes have not been higher since the darkest days of the Cold War.
And yet, on a day when the President of the United States needs Americans to have his back, Democrats are sticking a knife in it. Why? These are the only possible days to get Cohen’s testimony? No. Hearing Cohen trash the president today, accuse him of all sorts of wrong doing today, is that important? No
Simply trying to overshadow and embarrass the President domestically cannot be their motivation. The timing is too deliberate.
There can be only one possible motive: To undercut the President. To sabotage negotiations on behalf of the enemy.
What is Kim Jong Un Thinking?
Before you say, “Ol’ Al’s flipped his lid,” go back to last year. Remember what former Secretary of State John Kerry did? He told Iranian leaders not to worry about Trump. He wouldn’t be around long. Remember Iran? The ones who’ve been shouting “Death to America” for 40 years? The ones whose terrorists have been killing Americans in assorted places around the globe? The ones who vow to wipe Israel off the map? And more to the point, the ones who work hand-in-hand with North Korea on their nuclear program?
Kerry told Kim Jong Un’s nuclear partners not to worry about Trump, we’ll have him out of the way soon enough and we can get back to business. Kim knows he said that. So what’s he bound to think when he sees Kerry’s Democratic allies parading Cohen’s allegations of criminality, just in time for dessert? “Trump’s opposition is telling me they’re going to have Trump out of the way soon enough. I do not have to concede anything. I can wait out his term. In fact, if I deny Trump, I am giving them something they want. They will owe me.”
The View from North Korea
He then looks over the field of Democratic contenders, Trump’s possible successors. What’s he see?
- Bernie Sanders, who never met a communist dictator he didn’t like. He’d be a better friend to Kim than Dennis Rodman.
- Joe Biden, Obama’s number two, who let Kim expand North Korea’s nuclear and missile capabilities with hardly a peep. And put Iran on a path to a nuke, dropped sanctions, and dropped hundreds of millions of dollars into their lap for good measure.
- Kamala Harris and Cory Booker β nothing to suggest they’d be any tougher than Obama. And certainly not the types who’d blow Kim’s nuclear sites to bits.
- Elizabeth Warren? She’s less down on capitalism than Kim is.
So Kim’s calculation at the summit is simple. “Sure, I like Trump. I like his vision for North Korea’s economic future. But if I play hardball and wait him out, I get to keep the nukes, the sanctions get eased by the Democrats as payback, and I can still take Donald’s economic vision and run with it.”
Yes, Cohen gives Democrats their pound of flesh. But Democrats are giving Kim a ton of ammo. And in a time of war, that’s giving aid and comfort to the enemy.