A Little Preaching as We Head Into Election Week
More likely a bumpy week. Or …who knows? Tuesday night is probably just the beginning, even if it looks like a landslide. And we’ve got to buckle up for the ride and be prepared to handle anything.
The momentum is certainly there. President Trump is a force of nature, campaigning like a whirlwind, with five rallies on Sunday alone. The new report on GDP growth is record-setting. And to cite just one example of his surging support, Trump is doing remarkably well in (among other battleground states) Pennsylvania, with the stunning news Sunday that the extremely Democrat-leaning Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has done what they haven’t done since 1972 and endorsed the Republican for President. Naturally, they’re embarrassed and disturbed by Trump’s “unpresidential manner and character,” but he’s still the better choice, they say.
And Trump’s ability to draw crowds in Pennsylvania has knocked the socks off Democrats.
Even the lieutenant governor, a Democrat, has to give Trump credit. Look at these crowds.
But as for the voting, Pennsylvania expects 10 times more mail-in ballots to be sent in than there were in 2016, and it could take days to count them. And in spite of a Supreme Court challenge, they’ll be counting any mail-in ballot postmarked by Election Day and delivered by 5 p.m. on November 6. The Pennsylvania secretary of state says that in prior elections, military and overseas ballots haven’t all come in before “a full week” after Election Day.
She “expects” all the votes to be counted within a matter of days. But take what she says about the time “expected” for counting votes with a grain of salt, as she is a Democrat and also said that “elections have never been called on Election Night.” Huh?
Biden Corruption Story Resonating Despite Censorship
There are more reasons to be hopeful: The Biden family “business” story has taken hold in spite of — and perhaps in part because of — the media and Big Tech’s attempts to silence it or falsely label it “Russian disinformation.” (Incidentally, Twitter’s stock price took a huge hit this week; that may be why they finally relented and unlocked the account of the New York Post.) Especially in light of the virus that came from Wuhan, China, I don’t think most of the country wants to elect a President whose family is so eager to sell out to the Chinese — and, of course, to give “the big guy” his 10 percent cut.
(By the way, for when you have time, here’s the latest from Andrew C. McCarthy at National Review about the Bidens’ dealings with the Chinese and why this is so very, very serious.)
Starting to Taste Victory
More about this will have to wait till after the election. But we might see a nationwide sweep to re-elect Trump that is so decisive it overcomes even the anticipated voter fraud surrounding massive mail-in balloting. Most of the Trump-Biden polls are still so ridiculously weighted for Biden that I won’t bother you with them, but electoral maps that actually make some sense show Trump increasingly competitive in the Electoral College.
Trump’s demeanor at the rallies tells us he’s happy, expansive and confident. Contrast this with the anemic Joe Biden’s dark warnings, and you’ll find more and more people agreeing with Karen Townsend at Hot Air.
While Democrats are sweating about Florida and Michigan, we’re starting to taste victory. But this is no time to take anything for granted, as we need to keep our heads during whatever court challenges and violence we might see in the coming days. (Thousands of lawyers are reportedly spreading out across the country to mount legal challenges.) We’ll be blamed for the chaos, even though this makes no sense.
But former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell is having none of that. His response is steady as a rock. Here’s what Grenell tweeted in response to Wolf Blitzer’s lament about preparations made on Election Eve for violence: “You’ve fanned the flames for chaos, riots and vandalism. You’ve led the most vicious, negative and political attacks on the President. You fed the American public a Russian collusion lie for 4 years. Stop pretending you are now shocked.”
Here’s just a sample of what leftist protesters are planning for the coming week. Yes, PLANNING. This is all set beforehand, regardless of the vote count, and it could get very nasty.
Go Texas!
In light of all this, what I want to preach about a little today relates to the pro-Trump caravan that surrounded a Biden-Harris bus on Saturday. Rick Moran’s excellent commentary at PJ Media offers a strong rationale for the behavior we saw. Yes, everything he says about the hysterical ravings coming from the left is correct. And, yes, we’re sick of having to put up with it.
But look at how the media play it. These aren’t just confident Trump supporters expressing their feelings to the people who have been lying about them and calling them “deplorables” and every other kind of name for the past four-plus years — they’re “Hitler’s brownshirts” who are “inciting violence.” The act was taken as “hostile” when it was just rowdy enthusiasm. No trace of violence was reported; there weren’t even any traffic violations. When police came to escort the bus, the caravan fell back behind it.
One approving tweet said, “This is the most bada** thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Go Texas.”
Calm, Steady, Peaceful
Compare this with the actual violence coming from the left: Trump supporters literally being shot dead in cold blood, or beaten bloody and unconscious, or kicked right in the teeth. Plus the usual burning and looting. That is the kind of violence people are prepping for, Wolf Blitzer. And it’s not coming from us.
But — and here’s where the preaching comes in — as we start to taste victory, pray that we remain calm, steady and peaceful as we go into this coming week, whatever happens. I know Saturday was fun, and even inspiring, but it came close to crossing a line. We all know where that line is.
As the fate of our nation hangs in the balance, I’m increasingly confident about the outcome of this election. But until President Trump is safely re-elected and installed in the White House for another four years, we have to be the adults. The outcome could depend on this. Our behavior is a reflection of the candidate we support, as we respond appropriately and effectively to ANY challenge that is thrown at us in the coming days. In the words of Anchorman’s Ron Burgundy, “Stay classy.”
With the high degree of class our President is displaying right now, we owe him that.
Mike Huckabee is the former governor of Arkansas and longtime conservative commentator on issues in culture and current events. A New York Times best-selling author, he hosts the weekly talk show Huckabee on TBN.
Originally published at MikeHuckabee.com. Reprinted with permission.