A Child Lost
... and a child saved.
When our mission team first met Eng Torn she could not stop crying. She was experiencing a depth of pain that stopped our crew in its path. Our tears soon flowed like hers.
It had been six months since Eng’s two-year-old daughter Un Sokray had died. But though Eng would work hard, hoping to block the pain, she would always see her baby in her mind’s eye. And even as she worked, she’d cry, calling for her baby to come back.
Un died because the water source in Eng’s Cambodia village was dirty. Villagers knew the water was dangerous. One mother after another had lost a child to waterborne diseases. But they had no choice. Every trip to the river was a life or death round of Russian Roulette.
So for Eng, her overwhelming grief came also with paralyzing fear. She had another child. Seven-year-old Ourn Sakray. Would her older baby be taken too?
We asked her what clean water would mean to her village. “Clean water would be so precious,” she said. “A big joy.”
And clean water did indeed come, through Water for Life.
Water for Life is a mission of our parent organization LIFE Outreach International. We’ve drilled over 6,000 wells so far, bringing fresh water β bringing life β to villages across the globe. Yet there are villages still suffering. Mothers just like Eng. Children like Un.
Stream family and friends, can you help be a Stream of hope? Help get the fresh water flowing? We are in the middle of our current Water for Life campaign. Won’t you do what you can? Won’t you help turn tears of grief to smiles of joy?